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Health Care

Being Trauma Informed & Responsive Presentation

Power point presentation targeted to health care providers including a toolkit and handouts.

Helping Foster and Adoptive Families Cope with Trauma: A Guide for Pediatricians

American Academy of Pediatrics guide to support the abilities of pediatricians to identify traumatized children, educate families, and empower families.

The Resilience Project

American Academy of Pediatrics resources for pediatricians and medical home teams to more effectively identify and care for children and adolescents who have been exposed to violence.

Key Ingredients for Successful Trauma-Informed Care Implementation

An issue brief developed as a product of the Advancing Trauma-Informed Care initiative to create a framework for organizational and clinical changes that can be practically implemented in the health care sector.

Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress Toolkit for Health Care Providers

National Child Traumatic Stress Network offers a compendium of tools to guide medical professionals in effectively assessing and treating medical traumatic stress in children and families.

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime

A TED talk that encourages pediatric medicine to confront the prevention and treatment of trauma.

Everyday Magic: 16 Ways Adults Can Support Children Exposed to Violence and Trauma

Futures Without Violence offers recommendations for advocates, educators and health care providers to improve their response to children who have experienced violence or trauma