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Cedar River Community Chapel

2016-09-27T00:00:00Z 2016-09-27T00:00:00Z Cedar River Community Chapel

A Delta and Menominee County DHHS employee will be at the Cedar River Community Chapel before and after the Sunday Service to give a brief overview of foster care, hand out information, answer questions about foster care and share information about the need for foster parents in your community.

Contact Information: Nathan Van Wieren, (906) 399-9269,

8167 State Highway 35, Stephenson, MI 49887
8167 State Highway 35, Stephenson, MI 49887
Event Date

Start: September 27, 2016 12:00 AM

End: September 27, 2016 12:00 AM

A Delta and Menominee County DHHS employee will be at the Cedar River Community Chapel before and after the Sunday Service to give a brief overview of foster care, hand out information, answer questions about foster care and share information about the need for foster parents in your community.

Contact Information: Nathan Van Wieren, (906) 399-9269,