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Foster/Adoptive/Relative Caregiver Roller Skating Party

2016-04-19T00:00:00Z 2016-04-19T00:00:00Z Foster/Adoptive/Relative Caregiver Roller Skating Party

This event is for foster/adoptive/relative care providers and children to relax while roller skating and listening to music.  There will be food served to enjoy and socialize with other foster/adoptive/relative care providers.  Foster/adoptive/relative care providers from the LMNOW Coalition would be invited to enjoy this event.

LMNOW Coalition is consisted of the following Counties: Lake, Mecosta, Missauskee, Newaygo, Osceola, and Wexford including Purchase Service Agency such as Holy Cross, Bethany, Catholic Charities, and Eagle Village.

Schedule of Events: (This is optional; you don’t have to include a specific agenda)

4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Roller Skating and eating throughout the event.

Please RSVP by 4/15/2016 with either:

Breanna Rule at 231-492-7335 or at

Tonya Holmes at 231-492-3954 or at

Big Rapids Roller Rink, 325 N. Michigan Avenue, Big Rapids, MI 49307
Big Rapids Roller Rink, 325 N. Michigan Avenue, Big Rapids, MI 49307
Event Date

Start: April 19, 2016 12:00 AM

End: April 19, 2016 12:00 AM

This event is for foster/adoptive/relative care providers and children to relax while roller skating and listening to music.  There will be food served to enjoy and socialize with other foster/adoptive/relative care providers.  Foster/adoptive/relative care providers from the LMNOW Coalition would be invited to enjoy this event.

LMNOW Coalition is consisted of the following Counties: Lake, Mecosta, Missauskee, Newaygo, Osceola, and Wexford including Purchase Service Agency such as Holy Cross, Bethany, Catholic Charities, and Eagle Village.

Schedule of Events: (This is optional; you don’t have to include a specific agenda)

4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Roller Skating and eating throughout the event.

Please RSVP by 4/15/2016 with either:

Breanna Rule at 231-492-7335 or at

Tonya Holmes at 231-492-3954 or at