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The Magic of Family; Today, Tomorrow and Beyond!

2016-03-19T00:00:00Z 2016-03-19T00:00:00Z The Magic of Family; Today, Tomorrow and Beyond!

Free family fun event with interactive booths and classrooms full of great games and activities for children of all ages and their families. Mason/Oceana County MDHHS will have an area set up in the gym with information on safe sleep for infants, foster parenting, and a fun rabbit toss game for the kids.

Contact Information: Janice Ruedisale 231-327-6851

M.C.C. High School, 210 W. Broadway, Scottville, MI 49454
M.C.C. High School, 210 W. Broadway, Scottville, MI 49454
Event Date

Start: March 19, 2016 12:00 AM

End: March 19, 2016 12:00 AM

Free family fun event with interactive booths and classrooms full of great games and activities for children of all ages and their families. Mason/Oceana County MDHHS will have an area set up in the gym with information on safe sleep for infants, foster parenting, and a fun rabbit toss game for the kids.

Contact Information: Janice Ruedisale 231-327-6851