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How does an able-bodied individual meet the work requirements?

There are three ways an individual can meet the time limit work requirements:

  • Work an average of at least 20 hours per week each month in unsubsidized, self and/or in-kind employment.
  • Participate 20 hours per week in an approved employment and training program, averaged monthly (available in select counties only).
  • Participate in community service by volunteering at a nonprofit organization.

You may be exempt from meeting work requirements if you meet any of the following federal criteria:

  • Are physically or mentally unable to work.
  • Receive Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance due to disability or blindness, or receives Supplemental Security Income or State Disability Assistance.
  • Are pregnant.
  • Receive or are an applicant for unemployment benefits.
  • Participate in a drug or alcohol treatment and rehabilitation program.
  • Attend training or college at least half-time and meet the student eligibility criteria to receive food assistance.
  • Care for an incapacitated person or a child under age 6 (they do not have to live with you).
  • Reside in a household with a child under
  • age 18.