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Caregivers and Providers - FAQs

Caregivers and Providers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Agency providers with questions about their HHAeXchange Portal visit the HHAeXchange Michigan Information Center and FAQs.

EVV Basics

What is Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)? 

EVV is the use of an electronic system such as a phone or computer to verify the delivery of your Medicaid services.

The EVV system will electronically capture:

  1. The type of service performed;
  2. Beneficiary, client, or participant receiving the service;
  3. Date of the service;
  4. Location of service delivery;
  5. Individual providing the service; and
  6. Time the service begins and ends


What programs require EVV?

Program Personal Care Services Home Health Care Services
MI Choice X
MI Health Link X X
Medicaid Managed Care X
Behavioral Health X
Home Health X
Home Help X

 *Table is subject to change. There may be other programs and/or codes that could be impacted as Michigan further develops EVV policy. 

Per policy bulletin MMP 24-21 PCS provided through Community Transition Services (CTS) are exempt from using EVV at this time.


What services require EVV?

If you provide Medicaid-funded personal care or home health care services such as assistance with ambulation, bathing, dressing, grooming, personal hygiene, meals, and homemaker services through any of the five programs listed above, then you must validate those services through an EVV system. 

The Michigan Medicaid program covers PCS that are provided under the State Plan and waivers of the plan. The following services and their procedure codes listed by program encompass PCS. 


Program Code Service Description
Behavioral Health* H2015 Community Living Supports (CLS)
T1005 Respite Care, per 15 minutes
Home Help N/A Personal Care Services (PCS)+
MI Choice H2015 Comprehensive Community Support Services, per 15 minutes
S5150 Unskilled Respite Care, not Hospice, per 15 minutes
MI Health Link H2015 Comprehensive Community Support Services, per 15 minutes
S5150 Unskilled Respite Care, not Hospice, per 15 minutes
T1019 Personal Care Services (PCS), per 15 minutes
Home Health

G0151 Physical Therapy
G0152 Occupational Therapy
G0153 Speech/Language Therapy
G0156 Home Health Aide
G0299 Skilled Nursing Services, RN
G0300 Skilled Nursing Services, LPN

*Behavioral Health services that start and/or stop in the home (POS/Location code 12) require EVV.  +All Home Help services require EVV.


When will providers have to implement EVV?

As outlined in MMP 24-21 the implementation is as follows: 

April 1, 2024 July 1, 2024 September 3, 2024

Home Health Fee for Service

Home Help Agency Personal Care Services

  • Behavioral Health
  • Community Transition Services (CTS)
  • MI Choice Waiver
  • MI Health Link
    Personal Care Services

Managed Care Home Health Care Services

Home Help Individual Caregivers


How do an EVV-impacted agency and FI provider get notified of important dates and requirements?

Providers will be notified of important dates through email and EVV Listserv notifications. The email that will be used for providers comes from the Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System, CHAMPS.


Has Michigan selected an EVV aggregator or vendor through the Request for Proposal (RFP) process? And where can I find out more information about this process?

In March of 2023, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) awarded a $11.3 million, five-year IT contract to HHAeXchange to provide an EVV system that includes data collection, data aggregation, and a pre-billing module to support MDHHS and its providers. Press Release: MDHHS Launching Electronic Visit Verification System


Will EVV affect the services I currently deliver?

EVV does not affect the delivery of services you provide under the beneficiary's, client's or participant's approved plan of care.


Do I always have to use EVV when I provide a service?

If you provide Medicaid-funded personal care or home health care services for beneficiaries receiving care in one of the identified programs, Home Help, Home Health, Behavioral Health, MI Choice Waiver, MI Health Link, CTS, or Home Health provided by a Medicaid Health Plan then you must use an EVV system when you provide those services. 


May a provider opt out of using EVV? 

No. The federal law requires EVV for caregivers and providers of personal care or home health care services to validate the delivery of services that begin or end in the home.


Will EVV affect my payment for services?

Per the federal Cures Act, states can only pay for services correctly recorded in EVV. However, Michigan is committed to setting clear expectations, working together with providers and managed care programs on training and the roll-out of EVV, and phasing in requirements where possible.


Does EVV apply to home-delivered meals?

No. EVV does not apply to home-delivered meals as offered by Michigan's Meals on Wheels.


How will Michigan ensure that access to the State of Michigan's EVV System is not too costly?

The goal of MDHHS is to not affect services currently being received, and that any additional cost is kept as low as possible due to an increase in data usage when accessing the EVV system. It is unknown at this time if access to the EVV system will result in additional costs to the individual providing or receiving the service using the EVV system. 


Do I need to purchase an EVV system?

No, providers do not have to purchase an EVV system. Providers who choose to use the state's system, HHAeXchange, have access to all the functionality needed for compliance with the Federal Cures Act and MDHHS EVV policy. Should a provider have their own EVV system, or wish to purchase their own EVV system, the state has implemented an open vendor model that supports third-party system integration with the state's aggregator.


Will providers be mandated to use a specific system?

MDHHS has decided to go with an open vendor model system, that will provide with an existing EVV system the ability to continue using their current system. However, providers that currently do not have an EVV will have the ability to use the state-developed EVV system, HHAeXchange.


What mobile application do I use for EVV and how do I get it?

Visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to download the HHAeXchange+ mobile application. Download and Setup the App in 3 Steps


Will EVV be available in multiple languages?

The MDHHS is aware of the diversity that exists within our state and is taking into consideration various languages and how this may affect providers, beneficiaries, and individuals.  Language options are available in the HHAeXchange system, additional details for Agencies can be found in their FAQ document


We are an agency without an EVV system but are thinking of incorporating an accounting software application. As several EVV systems and accounting software applications are available for the provider to choose from, can you provide information regarding external EVV systems or accounting software applications that could be used by providers? 

MDHHS has selected an EVV vendor that all providers may use, HHAeXchange in consultation with the selected EVV vendor, HHAeXchange has published technical specifications and business requirements for integration. MDHHS expects most commercially available EVV systems will be able to meet these requirements. 


If we choose not to use Michigan's EVV system, will providers be mandated to use a specific external EVV system?

Providers will not be mandated to use a specific external EVV system. The MDHHS has decided to implement an open vendor model. This allows Providers to use the state-offered EVV system, HHAeXchange, or another EVV system of their choosing that meets HHAeXchange technical and business requirements. 


Will EVV apply to personal care services in a congregate setting throughout a twenty-four period?

Per CMS guidance (EVV FAQ ( EVV does not apply to "in-home visits" where a congregate setting provides services around the clock (24 hours and 7 days a week)  with staff working shifts and bills at a per diem rate for personal care services (e.g., group homes, assisted living facilities, etc.). States will be required to confirm if the setting meets these guidelines. Also, CMS notes that the state can apply additional EVV requirements beyond the requirements of the CURES Act. 


After EVV is implemented for personal care services and home health care services, will there be a requirement to send the EVV data, or be able to give the information at the time of an audit?

The state of Michigan will collect the six mandated data elements for all EVV required services regardless of where the EVV data was initially captured. 

Community Services

Will HHAeXchange's EVV system account for a community location versus a home location?

Yes. The state-offered HHAeXchange system supports services provided in the community and at the home. Providers approved to provide services outside the home can select the ‘Community’ option from the Services Delivery Location dropdown within the HHAeXchange+ mobile application. 


Is EVV required for Community Living Support programs that are center-based?

EVV does not apply to a center-based provider as they are never providing services in the home and 100% of the CLS services are happening in the community.


Will EVV allow approved plan services outside of the recipient's primary residence?

EVV will not change the policy of where services can be provided. Per CMS, an EVV system must be able to electronically verify services were provided in an individual's home or other location(s). Source: EVV Requirements in the 21st Century Cures Act.

Home Health

Are Home Health fee for service billing and claims "required" to be submitted through HHAeXchange? 

Yes, the date for the claim requiring EVV will need to be submitted through HHAeXchange. However, during the soft launch period claims that contain EVV-required procedure codes can continue to be submitted through a billing agent or directly in CHAMPS per L-Letter 24-17. Claims for services not requiring EVV will remain as is today, submitted to CHAMPS. 


I am already enrolled in CHAMPS as a Home Health Agency and we also provide personal care services under another program do I need to complete another CHAMPS provider enrollment application?

Yes, providers will need to complete another CHAMPS provider enrollment application as an atypical agency. Instructions for completing a new Atypical EVV enrollment: >> Provider Enrollment >> Step-by-Step CHAMPS Enrollment Guides >> Atypical >> Electronic Visit Verification >> CHAMPS Provider Enrollment Instructions: EVV Atypical Agency & FI Enrollment.

Note: Providers do not need to register again in SIGMA VSS to obtain another vendor ID. The same vendor ID can be used for both enrollments (i.e., Typical FAO and Atypical Agency). However, the tax ID cannot be the same.


Is EVV required for all beneficiaries who receive Home Health Care Services? 

No, providers who perform Home Health Care services for beneficiaries who are dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid are not required to report EVV. 

Additional Fee for Service Home Health FAQs

Live-in Caregivers

How will EVV work for providers or caregivers who live with the person they take care of?

MDHHS is aware of these types of circumstances that may exist and how they may potentially affect the provision of services to Medicaid beneficiaries and their caregivers. The state of Michigan is evaluating each program and has issued MMP 24-21 and MMP 24-34 in regards to live-in caregivers. Additional guidance for Home Help live-in caregivers will be shared in a future communication.

Home Help

I am already enrolled in CHAMPS as a Home Help Agency and we also provide personal care services under another program do I need to complete another CHAMPS provider enrollment application?

No, providers can add the additional personal care specialty to their current atypical enrollment. 


Is the HHAeXchange+ mobile application my only option to report EVV?

The HHAeXchange+ Mobile Application is the preferred method for reporting EVV information and is used by caregivers to clock in at the start of services and clock out at the end of the services.  As listed in policy bulletin MMP 24-21, caregivers may choose to use the beneficiary’s landline phone to clock in and clock out via Interactive Voice Response (IVR), telephone.

If you live with your client, have submitted a Live-in Caregiver Attestation form  (BPHASA-2421) (including two proofs of residency) to the client’s MDHHS Adult Services Worker (ASW) and have been approved or are awaiting an ASW decision, you do not need to use EVV. 


If I submit EVV how do I get paid?

In addition to using EVV, Home Help providers must continue to use their current service verification methods (i.e., CHAMPS Electronic Service Verification, Paper Service Verification, or the MSA-1904 Home Help Agency Provider Invoice). Payments will continue to be based on the data recorded on the current service verification methods until further notice.


Home Help Individual Caregivers

What is the HHAeXchange Services Portal?

The HHAeXchange Services Portal was created in preparation for future Home Help program changes. Home Help individual caregivers received the system credential email on September 3, 2024. The email contained a link to the HHAeXchange Services Portal website ( and a temporary password.


Where are my credentials to set up the HHAeXchange Services Portal? 

CHAMPS enrolled Home Help individual caregivers received an email starting September 3, 2024, with their HHAeXchange Service Portal credentials including a link to the HHAeXchange services portal website and a temporary password. You will have 12 hours to reset the temporary password in the email. If the temporary password is not used within 12 hours, users will need to use the ‘Forgot Password’ function on the HHAeXchange login page


What is the Mobile Activation Code and where do I get this?

CHAMPS enrolled Home Help individual caregivers received an email starting September 3, 2024, with the Mobile Activation Code. This code is used when setting up the mobile application and allows you, as the caregiver, to be linked to the State of Michigan to display your list of approved clients. You can use the mobile activation code for 7 days from the email date. After 7 days, this code will expire. If the mobile activation code has expired, contact the Atypical Provider Support hotline at 1-800-979-4662.


I was told I do not have to submit or use EVV, why am I getting emails from HHAeXchange? 

To prepare for proposed upcoming Home Help program changes, Home Help individual caregivers have been given access to the HHAeXchange Services Portal. Final program changes, timelines, and program decisions will be shared with caregivers in a policy bulletin or L letter.

As outlined in policy bulletin MMP 24-21 and MMP 24-34, approved live-in caregivers are not required to use EVV for Home Help services. However, you will still receive emails from the EVV vendor, HHAeXchange. For now, we encourage all caregivers to at least log in to the HHAeXchange Services Portal website ( and reset their temporary password. This is the only action needed at this time regarding the Services Portal.

Click here to view more Home Help Individual Caregiver FAQs


Will caregivers and providers be trained on how to use EVV?

Yes. HHAeXchange provided webinar training and resources through their Learning Management System(LMS) for all Agencies impacted by EVV. Agencies are responsible for training their caregivers on how to use EVV. For more information visit  

Home Help individual caregivers, not employed by an agency, should refer to training materials on the Home Help Individual Caregivers section of this website Home Help Individual Caregivers


How are Caregivers trained to use the HHAeXchange system? 

Provider Agencies are responsible for training their Caregivers. Information for Provider Agencies on training Caregivers is covered during HHAeXchange Provider training. Provider Agencies have access to job aids and resources to train their Caregivers on how to use EVV for clocking in and out and reviewing schedules.


Where can I find more information and stay current on Michigan's progress with EVV?

MDHHS will continue to update the EVV website as more information becomes available. Questions about EVV may be emailed to

Home Help individual caregivers, not employed by an agency, should continue to contact the Atypical Provider Support hotline by phone 1-800-979-4662 or email .


Updated as of November 26, 2024.

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