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EVV Update Self Directed Arrangements

The below communication was sent via email on December 9, 2024, to EVV impacted providers participating in Medicaid Health Plans (MHP), Behavioral Health, MI Choice, and MI Health Link programs.

RE: EVV Update: Self-Directed Arrangements

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Dear Agency,

This communication is intended to provide an update on the State sponsored Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system as it relates to Self-Directed arrangements involving Fiscal Intermediaries/Financial Management Systems (FI/FMS).

MDHHS is aware that additional work is needed for the State sponsored EVV solution to fully support EVV reporting for this population, and that EVV reporting cannot occur in alignment with the Cures Act and State policy until this is resolved. MDHHS is actively working with HHAeXchange to address this issue as quickly as possible and ensure that the State sponsored solution can support all applicable delivery models across impacted program areas. Payment will not be impacted for users of the state-sponsored solution until the system is available, and training and onboarding have occurred.

For individuals that need to use the state-sponsored system for EVV related to self-directed arrangements, they will not be penalized for EVV non-compliance while the system is being developed and training/onboarding are in process. MDHHS does not expect providers and/or payers to purchase additional software or system upgrades, through HHAeXchange or other applicable EVV vendor, as an interim means of resolving this issue.

MDHHS intends to provide additional information and updates in the coming weeks, as they become available.


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