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Breast Pumps and Hand Expression

CDC Guidelines on how to keep your breast pump clean

Learn how to choose the correct breast pump flange by watching this video by IABLE

Learn how to hand express breast milk here

CDC's guidelines on storage and preparation of breast milk

How to Use and Troubleshoot Your WIC Breast Pump

  Medela Ameda Hygeia

A video on how to assemble and use the pump.

A video on how to assemble and use pump and accessory kit.

A video on how to use and clean the pump. Includes breast milk storage guidelines.

A video on how to assemble, use and clean the pump.
Personal Electric

Pump in Style
A video on how to use the pump.

Advanced Personal Double
A video on how to assemble, use and clean the pump

Purely Yours Ultra
A video on how to use the pump.

Purely Yours (Spanish)
A video on how to use the pump.

A video on how to assemble, use and clean the pump.

A video on how to use the pump.

A handout on how to use and clean your pump, along with parts included.

Hand Pump Harmony
A video on how to assemble and clean the pump.
One-hand Manual Breast Pump
A video on how to assemble, use and clean the pump.

Medela: Cleaning
A video on how to clean and sanitize your pump and accessories with or without a sink.

Pump in Style: Cleaning
A video on how to clean your pump after each use.

Ameda: Cleaning
A video on how to clean and use your pump accessories.

Ameda: Cleaning
A handout with cleaning instructions for Ameda breast pumps and kits.

Hygeia: Cleaning
A video on how to clean your pump and accessories.
Trouble Shooting

Pump in Style: Trouble Shooting: Low or No Suction
A video on how to troubleshoot your pump.

Troubleshooting the Medela Symphony Breast Pump
A video on how to troubleshoot your pump.

  Troubleshooting Your Hygeia Breast Pump and Accessories
A video on how to troubleshoot your pump and accessory kit.