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Healthy Homes of West MI

March 2019

Objective: Train home vising staff.


Period Summary: Scheduled additional home visitor staff training for April 2019 for two new partner

organizations. Expect to train seven additional people.


Objective: Conduct home screenings, basic awareness education.


Period Summary: No activities this period.


Objective: Promote do-it-yourself home screenings packaged with basic awareness information.


Period Summary: Family Futures mailing and data collection processes yet to be determined. Meeting

to discuss deployment of DIY screening tool held March 20, 2019. Due to the delay in launching, the

Family Futures is exploring other options for reaching an adequate number of households. Launch

projected for end of April 2019.


Objective: Provide increased support to prioritized households.


Period Summary: Only two households have been identified as at high-risk to date. Both households

were previously offered services but declined due to external reasons. Healthy Homes has maintained


November 2018

Home visitors conduct home health hazard screenings for 100 families.

• Screening tool deployed 9/17/18.

• 11 households have agreed to participate. 11 homes assessed to date, with results already collect and

tabulate results.

• CORRECTIVE MEASURE 1: The Healthy Homes Coalition continues to work with the existing partner

to remove barriers to screening to the extent that we can provide support.

• CORRECTIVE MEASURE 2: The Healthy Homes Coalitions is working to develop partnerships with

additional home visiting programs. Contact and preliminary discussions were held with three potential

partner organizations.

100 families complete and submit a voluntary, do-it-yourself home screening.

• DIY screening tool is developed. Related educational materials complete in English and Spanish.

• Connections mailing and data collection processes yet to be determined. Meeting to discuss

implementation and deployment of DIY screening tool scheduled for January 2019.

• Collection and tabulation results will happen when 20 screenings have been completed.

20 households that are identified as high-risk accept increased support services. 20 households receive more

intensive home assessment and complete activities that result in documented lead hazard control activities.

The following activities will commence as soon as 20 screenings are completed so that the reliability and sensitivity

of the screening tool can be calibrated. We are hoping this can be accomplished in January 2019. We will continue

to watch for extremely hazardous properties in the interim.

• Conduct comprehensive visuals assessment of households and collect other pertinent data.

• Develop family-centered action plan.

• Provide tailored environmental education.

• Provide case management, assisting families with securing resources for lead hazard control.



October 2018

One integrated program design (flow chart and Standard Operating Procedures) that involves partnership between an early childhood home visiting program and a home environmental health support program.

  • Program design has been reviewed with partner agency.
  • DIY screening tool is still in development, expect completion by mid-November.
  • Process evaluation fully developed.


Ten home visiting staff trained and prepared to deliver basic awareness information and referral, and to implement the screening tool.

  • Training curriculum developed.
  • Training/orientation provided to five workers, and evaluation of training completed.
  • Management structure in place, including feedback loops every 30 days for knowledge reinforcement and quality improvement.


Home visitors conduct home health hazard screenings for 100 families.

  • Screening tool deployed 9/17/18.
  • 6 households have agreed to participate. 3 homes assessed to date, with results already collect and tabulate results.
  • CORRECTIVE MEASURE 1: Recognizing the slow start, the team has a set a goal of completing 15+ assessments per month October – March.
  • CORRECTIVE MEASURE 2: The initial procedure deployed by Healthy Families was to screen families at enrollment. Now the Healthy Families Program is developing a process for also screening clients already enrolled. Participants whose cases are open an invitation for Home Screening Tool assessment from the Site Supervisor, as opposed to the Assessment Worker.
  • CORRECTIVE MEASURE 3: The Healthy Homes Coalition is exploring the development of a partnership with a second home visiting program (Early Learning Neighborhood Collaborative).


  1. families complete and submit a voluntary, do-it-yourself home screening.
  • DIY screening tool is still in development, expect completion by mid-November. Related educational materials complete in English and we are working to translate into Spanish.
  • Connections mailing and data collection processes yet to be determined.
  • Collection and tabulation results not yet started.


20 households that are identified as high-risk accept increased support services. 20 households receive more intensive home assessment and complete activities that result in documented lead hazard control activities.

The following activities will commence as soon as 20 screenings are completed so that the reliability and sensitivity of the screening tool can be calibrated.  We will continue to watch for extremely hazardous properties in the interim.

  • Conduct comprehensive visuals assessment of households and collect other pertinent data.
  • Develop family-centered action plan.
  • Provide tailored environmental education.
  • Provide case management, assisting families with securing resources for lead hazard control.


One comprehensive program evaluation report written that documents opportunities for process improvement, limited validation of the screening tool, and suggestion for scaling and replication.

These activities will be completed later in the contract period.

  • Collect close-out environmental data for households receiving enhanced assessment and support.
  • Conduct stakeholder interviews with management, service delivery staff, participants and other stakeholders.
  • Analyze outcome and process data.
  • Complete written report with recommendations for quality improvement, scaling, and replication.

Other notes:


Spanish Ed Packets projected date of availability is now Nov 1st, 2018. Any Spanish speaking families who decline services are added to a Tally sheet to redistribute at the available time frame for the family education packets.


First quality assurance management meeting was held October 24th where stepped-up projections were discussed and completely understood along with a request that the Assessment Workers be in attendance for future meetings. Next scheduled management meeting is November 20th.


August 2018

Our project is progressing, albeit about 2-3 weeks behind schedule.  We needed to take some time in August to tend to the needs of our partner organizations that will be engaged in the screening process. They have reassigned staff and, as a result, we have needed to realign which tasks are to be completed by which positions - separating responsibilities for conducting the assessment from responsibilities of providing basic lead-safety education and referral.

As a result, our training for home visitors who will be doing the assessment was delayed until this Friday, 9/7/18.

This puts us on track to collecting our first assessments later in September. We have already developed an online form for collecting the data from the assessors.  It should be noted that our partners have elected to focus on collecting data pertaining to lead exposure risk.  


July 2018

  • We have met with and oriented the partner organization (Family Futures), and they are seeking additional orientation for their service provision partners which has slowed process a tad.
  • Our existing staff in working on building the home visitor training.
  • We have also met with and developed the scope of work for our evaluation consultant who will also help us identify strengths and opportunities for replication.
  • We are on track to conduct the home visitor training in August, and will be catching up by designing the DIY screening tool in the first two weeks of that month.
  • We are also conducting final interviews to bring on an additional Healthy Housing Specialist to assist with project implementation, a process that had to wait until we had the contract sent to us for review and signature.