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File a Complaint

The Division of Child Welfare Licensing receives and processes complaints for:

  • Child caring institutions.
  • Child placing agencies.
  • Juvenile court operated facilities.

Children's Foster Homes - If you want to make a complaint about a children's foster home, contact the child placing agency that licenses the foster home. If you do not know that information, please email

Abuse and Neglect Complaints

Call 1-855-444-3911 if you are making a complaint regarding abuse, neglect or exploitation:

  • In a child-caring institution.
  • In a juvenile-court-operated facility.
  • In a children's foster home.

Learn more about abuse and neglect.

Appropriate Complaints

A complaint must allege violations of the facility's governing act and rules or for a child caring institution or a child placing agency, of the terms of their contract with DHHS. To review a facility's governing act or rules prior to making a complaint, go to:

Note: It is a crime to make a false complaint punishable by up to a $5,000.00 fine or imprisonment for up to four years or both. See MCL 722.115l.

Unlicensed Complaints

If you are making a complaint regarding an facility/agency/provider operating without a license, you must indicate how you know the facility/agency/provider is operating without a license.

How to Make a Complaint

When making a complaint, it is important that you fill out the complaint form as completely as possible. Your name will be kept confidential and will not be released unless ordered by the court. You are not required to give your name or contact information. However, if you do not provide it, a licensing consultant will not be able to contact you if additional information is needed. Your complaint may not be assigned or may be unconfirmed due to an inability to reach you for follow-up.

To make a complaint, fill out the Online Complaint Form. If you cannot complete the online complaint form, you can either:

Mail it to Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Child Welfare Licensing
235 S Grand Ave, Suite 1305
PO Box 30037
Lansing, MI 48909