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A feeling of hope: Pathways coach maintains contact with clients during school closings

Kacie Williams is normally a school-based Pathways to Potential success coach, but even though schools are have been closed, she still offers a friendly face to her clients.

Kacie, who works out of a Holland elementary school, has been showing up each week at the school during its food basket giveaway to talk to parents (and sometimes students) about their needs and how she can assist. She said the parents appreciate talking to someone in person, rather than through phone or text.

She also helps distribute these food baskets by dropping them off at the homes of families in need.

“Lots of people leave with their hands full and a huge smile on their face,” she said.

The best part?

“It’s been a great experience during this difficult time," Kacie said. "They see we careand that means the world to my clients in need – a feeling of hope that things are going to be okay."