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DCH CON e-Serve Application

***If you are a current user with Single Sign-on (SSO), use your existing user id and password to access CON e-Serve. Please do not create a new user id or request access again.***

The MSHHS CON E-Serve application allows users to submit applications and view CON information over a secured internet connection. The online application is housed and maintained through the State of Michigan MILogin System. In order to access this application you must have a previously created user account under SSO or create a new user account in MILogin.

If you do not have an user account, you will have to:

  1. Register your new user id at MILogin by clicking on the button ‘Create New Account’.
  2. You will need to fill out all the information in Step 1 of 3 – name, email address, phone number and answer an on-screen verification question.  Then, chick the box ‘I agree to the terms & conditions’ and select ‘Next’. 
  3. In step 2 of 3, you will need to create an user id and password for your account following these guidelines:

User ID guideline:

Enter your last name, first initial, and any 4 numbers with no space between them. For Example: John Smith and using 9999 as an example for the four digit number, you would enter smithj9999.

Password guidelines:

  • Must be at least 8 characters in length
  • Must include characters from 3 of the following categories: ?Upper case letters (A-Z)
  • Lower case letter (a-z)
  • Numbers (0-9)
  • Special characters (!$#,%@~^&*_-+=><)
  • Should not be based on your User ID
  1. In step 2 of 3 you will also need to select four unique security questions and enter the responses. These will be required for future password reset, account maintenance, etc.
  2. Please remember password and answers to questions are case sensitive.
  3. Then click on link ‘Create Account’.
  4. In step 3 of 3 MILogin will display a confirmation page ‘Your account has been created’. Then close the browser window.
  5. Login to MILogin with your user id and password, and subscribe to MDHHS CON E-Serve by clicking on ‘Request Access’. In step 1 type ‘MDHHS CON E-Serve’ in the search box and hit the search button. In step 2 it will display the application name, select the application name and click on ‘Request Access’.
  6. It will display a confirmation page, clink on ‘I accept’.
  7. It will display a request access page. Select appropriate roles and hit ‘Submit’.
  8. You must select ‘Applicant’ or ‘Guest’ role only.  Do not select any other role because your request will be denied. You can select multiple roles by checking the box next to it.
  9. MILogin will display a confirmation page that your request has been submitted.
  10. Upon approval of your subscription request you will receive an e-mail notification.
  11. Next time you log in to MILogin, you will see the link ‘MDHHS CON E-Serve’ on the application home page.
  12. Use this link to access the online application.

If you do have an user account, you will have to:

  1. Log in to MILogin with your user id and password.
  2. If you have not subscribed to MDHHS CON E-Serve, follow the steps 8-13 above.
  3. If you have already subscribed to the application, you will see the link ‘MDHHS CON e-Serve’ on the application home page.
  4. Use this link to access the online application.

Once you have set up the account, you can do the following in MDHHS CON E-Serve

  • Submit LOI, CON application, amendment, emergency CON and make online payment
  • View online LOIs, CON applications, amendments, emergency CONs
  • Search and view management information for all CONs, compare groups (e.g., MRI, CT, PET, Lithotripsy networks)
  • Search Facility database and run reports (e.g., CON History)
  • Generate activity reports – LOIs and applications received, final decisions issued

If you need further assistance or have questions, please contact the CON Evaluation Section at or 517-241-3344.

Instructions for using e-Serve with Internet Explorer 10