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Required Human Research Protections Training

Required Human Research Protections Training

Human research protections training is required for all Responsible Department Employees submitting applications for IRB review, Primary Investigators conducting researching involving MDHHS, and MDHHS IRB members. Human research protections training is recommended for anyone involved in research at MDHHS.

The MDHHS IRB requires completion of human research protections training offered through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). The training can be accessed through this OHRP Human Research Protection Training link. The OHRP training is divided into 4 lessons. The MDHHS IRB has two different training requirements depending on your role with MDHHS.

Training for Responsible Department Employees and Primary Investigators:

For MDHHS employees and contractors (those with email addresses) serving as Responsible Department Employees and/or Primary Investigators, the MDHHS IRB requires completion of the following 2 lessons:

Completion of additional lessons by Responsible Department Employees and Primary Investigators is encouraged, but not required.

Completed training must be registered with the MDHHS IRB administrative office. To register your training after completing a lesson, input the information requested to generate a certificate of completion. Save a copy of the certificate in a format that can be emailed to the MDHHS IRB. After both lessons have been completed, email a copy of both completion certificates to to register your training. Please use the Subject Line: “IRB Training.” For MDHHS purposes, completed trainings expire three years from the date the second of the two required lessons is completed.

Individuals not affiliated with MDHHS serving as Primary Investigators may submit evidence of having completed the human research protections training required by their home institutions. If no such training is available or if it was completed more than 3 years ago, those individuals may satisfy the MDHHS IRB requirement by completing and registering training as described above.

For individuals that have already completed CITI Program training to satisfy what was previously the MDHHS IRB training requirement, your existing training will be honored through its current expiration date. When completed CITI Program training expires, you will be expected to satisfy the new training requirement as described above.


Training for Institutional Review Board Members:

For Institutional Review Board members, completion of all 4 lessons is required.

Completed training must be registered with the MDHHS IRB administrative office. To register your training after completing a lesson, input the information requested to generate a certificate of completion. Save a copy of the certificate in a format that can be emailed to the MDHHS IRB. After all lessons have been completed, email a copy of all 4 completion certificates to to register your training. Please use the Subject Line: “IRB Training.” For MDHHS purposes, completed trainings expire three years from the date the last of the 4 required lessons is completed.

For individuals that have already completed CITI Program training to satisfy what was previously the MDHHS IRB training requirement, your existing training will be honored through its current expiration date. When completed CITI Program training expires, you will be expected to satisfy the new training requirement as described above.

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