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Employment Transfer Letters of Support (No Objection Letters)

Michigan does not encourage the transfer of employment once a waiver has been approved. Unforeseen circumstances may cause the need for a waiver recipient to transfer employers, such as the facility closure or a breach in contract. 

In a request for a letter of support please include the following information:

  1. Name, address, and work location of new employer,
  2. Proof that the new employer is located in a federally designated shortage area (e.g., HPSA ID#; to go to the HPSA database click here),
  3. A copy of the signed contract between the waiver recipient and the new employer
  4. A letter of release from the sponsoring employer, or a signed personal statement from the physician, as to why the contractual obligation with sponsoring employer and waiver recipient cannot be fulfilled, and
  5. Name and physical address of the waiver recipient or his/her representation where the original letter, if a favorable decision is made, will be mailed to include in the H-1B employment transfer petition. 

Additional information must be included for physicians who plan to relocate to Michigan from another state:

    1.   A letter of release from the state health department that originally sponsored the waiver, and
    2.   The DOS number of the physician.

MDHHS reserves the right to contact the sponsoring employer upon receipt of any request for a letter of support. There is a greater chance that the sponsoring employer will be contacted by MDHHS if a signed personal statement from the physician is submitted as opposed to a letter of release from the sponsoring employer.

In the event of an out-of-state transfer, a copy of the letter will also be sent to the appropriate state Conrad 30 office.

Requests for a letter of support should be e-mailed to Sarah Kleis at Please allow up to 30 days for the request to be reviewed and processed.