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System of Care

Strokes killed 4,993 Michigan residents in 2017, Heart Disease killed 97,532. Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death in the state, exceeding the national average. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death. On an average day in Michigan in 2017, 69 people died of heart disease. Stroke is the result of an interruption or decrease in blood supply to the brain. STEMI (ST-elevation myocardial infarction) is a severe type of heart attack resulting from a blocked artery.

Stroke and STEMI are highly time sensitive medical emergencies. Every minute lost from the onset of stroke or STEMI symptoms to specialized treatment results in some loss of brain or heart tissue and the loss of some degree of personal function. Medical research and the experience of other states has shown that a formal system of stroke and STEMI care that includes timely recognition of symptoms, prompt medical diagnosis and access to a specialized treatment center will improve the patient's probability of survival and a decrease in long term disability.  

Michigan has a functioning, regional, coordinated and accountable trauma system to ensure the right patient gets the right care at the right time. The Bureau of Emergency Preparedness, EMS, and Systems of Care worked with leading stroke and STEMI partners and stakeholders in the state to develop a plan to integrate stroke and STEMI care into the existing trauma system. When implemented, this system will improve stroke and STEMI outcomes and ensure that the stroke or Stemi patient is transported to the most appropriate specialized center with the resources to care for them.

To review the Recommendations for Systems of Care for Time Sensitive Emergencies, click here.

See A Statewide System of Care for Time Sensitive Emergencies The Integration of Stroke and STEMI Care into the Regional Trauma System. A White Paper for a more detailed discussion of the recommendations.