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I sent in my request for information along with any other requested items and fees required of the court or agency, now what can I expect?

The adoption law requires the child placing agency or court, upon receiving a written request for information from its records, to respond within 63 days after receiving a request for nonidentifying information and 28 days after the court or agency receives the clearance request form back from the Central Adoption Registry which was forwarded as a result of the court or agency receiving the written request from the adopted person. The adult adopted person would be entitled to receive nonidentifying information and possibly identifying information if certain factors are met.

In general, the adoption record would be pulled and if the request is from the adoptee for identifying information,the court or agency would contact the Central Adoption Registry to see if a former parent or an adult former sibling filed a statement giving consent or denial to have their information released. The Registry does not require a fee of the agencies or courts for this check. Once the agency or court receives a response back from the Central Adoption Registry, they can release appropriate information from an adoption record.

Requests from the former parents, adult former siblings, and the adoptive parents of a minor do not require the check with the Central Adoption Registry. In these cases, the adoption file would be pulled and, at a minimum, non-identifying information would be shared.