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I am an American Indian/Alaska Native foster care parent/provider; are there services available to assist me with caring for American Indian/Alaska Native foster children?

Fostering Success Michigan is an excellent way to access foster parent resources:

If you are a relative provider and not currently licensed, there may be more funding assistance available for caring for foster or relative children in your home if you become licensed (See MDHHS Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing [BCAL] policy or contact your local MDHHS office/caseworker for more information about becoming a licensed foster care provider).

The Office of Native American Affairs (NAA) has produced a toolkit consisting of four topic areas NAA, Law, Tribes, and MDHHS Services for AI/AN youth and foster care providers which may be accessed by contacting the NAA Director at

Casey Family Programs has developed tools for American Indian/Alaska Native foster youth and may be contacted at

There are tribal and urban Indian organization programs throughout Michigan that may have services/programs that you or your foster youth require or are interest in (See NAA website for contact lists and website links