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Step 1 - AFCARS and NCANDS Data

Administration for Children and Families (ACF) will transmit data to the state from Adoption Foster Care Analysis Reporting System (AFCARS) and National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Systems (NCANDS) that indicates whether the state meets the national standards. The national standard is based upon the 75th percentile of all state's performance over a three-year period of time. The national standard is set using multiple AFCARS and NCANDS report periods, for the first review data from 1998, 1999 and the first report period from 2000 will be used. The array of data across the reporting period will be used to create a baseline, the point on the scale that is the 75th percentile. The 75th percentile will remain the same throughout all of the state's first review. The Secretary of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) may change the national standard for conformity, if appropriate.

Two of the outcomes are evaluated using data indicators. These are:

  • Safety Outcome and Indicators (NCANDS data) - Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect.
    • Recurrence of Maltreatment - 6.1% or less of all children who were victims of abuse/neglect during the first six months of the NCANDS reporting period will be the victims of abuse/neglect again during the next six months.

    • Incidence of Child Abuse and/or Neglect in
      Foster Care
      - .57% or less of the children in foster care during the reporting period will have been abused/neglected by a foster parent or facility staff.

  • Permanency Outcome and Indicators (AFCARS data) - Children have permanency and stability in their living situations.
    • Foster Care Re-entries - 8.6% or less of children who entered foster care during the 12-month AFCARS reporting period will have had a previous entry into foster care 12 months prior to their entry date.

    • Stability of Foster Care Placements - 86.7% or less of the children who have been in foster care for 12 months or less during the AFCARS reporting period will have no more than 2 placement settings.

    • Length of Time to Achieve Reunification - For all children reunified with their parent(s) during the AFCARS reporting period, 76.2% or more must be reunified with their parent(s) less than 12 months from the time of the latest removal from their home.

    • Length of Time to Achieve Adoption - For all children whose adoption was finalized during the AFCARS reporting period, the adoption must be finalized in 32% or more cases in less than 24 months from the time of the latest removal from their home.

    • Length of stay in foster care - For a recent cohort of children entering foster care for the first time in the state, what is the median length of stay in care prior to discharge? This outcome will not be used to determine substantial conformity during the first review.