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Community Information Exchange Task Force

What is Community Information Exchange (CIE)?

Community Information Exchange (CIE) is a localized effort to create and sustain the technology and relationships required to support Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) needs of both individual and community. CIE maximizes a person-centered approach by ensuring social care information is collected only as needed and is stored safely. CIE also promotes streamlined access to health enhancing non-clinical services (e.g., social services and supports), helping to coordinate care across a variety of clinical and non-clinical partners, while using data on existing community resources, needs, and gaps to drive policy change.

About the CIE Task Force

The CIE Task Force brings together community-based organizations (CBOs), heath care, health IT, and governmental entities whose aligned work and interests are best served by a coordinated approach to CIE. This task Force will develop a statewide blueprint for CIE, honoring that coordinated care and health equity, supported by electronic exchange of information, is vital to improving the overall health and well-being of individuals.

CIE Task Force Interim Report

CIE Task Force Charter

MPHI CIE Survey and Key Informant Interviews Methodology Report

Community Information Exchange Meeting Summary Notes:


The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Policy and Planning launched the (CIE) Task Force in August 2022. Below is a list of members, their professional affiliations, and the domain they were selected to represent.


Domain Represented




Bob Kreha

Michigan 2-1-1

Behavioral Health

Joyce Fetrow

Northern Michigan Opioid Response Consortium (NMORC)


Patrick McNeal

North Flint Neighborhood Action Council


Ammar Alzuad

Health Care

Steven Grulke

Mid-State Health Network

Health Equity

Janee Tyus

Greater Flint Health Coalition

HIT Commission

Renee Smiddy

Michigan Health & Hospital Association

HIT Commission

Marissa Ebersole-Wood

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

Implementing CIE (CHIR)

Kelly Stupple

Washtenaw Health Plan

Implementing CIE (CHIR)

Ed Worthington

Advanced Technolgy Health Solutions/NMCHIR


Tim Pletcher


Payers (Medicaid)

Julia Aronica

Blue Cross Complete

Social Services/CBOs

Dawn Opel

Food Bank Council of Michigan

Social Services/CBOs

Nadeem Siddiqi

Wayne Metro CAA

Tribal Representative

Tyler LaPlaunt

Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians