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Critical Health Indicators

The 2011 edition of the Michigan Critical Health Indicators report describes Michigan's health and well-being and establishes a method for monitoring improvement. The report is organized by 4 specific health topics and their 28 related measures or indicators. These indicators directly or indirectly measure the health and health behaviors of Michigan residents. The report examines each indicator, providing 10 years of data when available.  

 Factors and indicators which contribute to improved health are moving in the correct direction, including pediatric immunizations, cholesterol testing, nutrition, and physical activity. High school and college graduation rates increased and the jobless rate decreased. The mortality rate of cancer decreased. The broader indicator of life expectancy also moved in the right direction.

 An increasing demand for public health services continues to exist within an uncertain financial environment. This document provides information on many state initiatives to support better health in local communities and statewide.

Review any section of the report by selecting a link below, or .hereto view the report in its entirety, click  


 Trend Direction from Previous Time Period

 Comparison of Michigan to United States

Health Outcomes

 Life Expectancy at Birth and at Age 65

 Infant Mortality Rate

 Low Birthweight/Very Low Birthweight

 Leading Causes of Death

 Teenage Birth Rate

 Injury Mortality

 Chronic Disease

 Poor Mental Health

 Communicable Disease

Health-Related Behaviors


 Physical Activity

 Binge Drinking


 Overweight and Obesity - Adults

 Overweight and Obesity - Children

 Oral Health

Health Systems

 Primary Care Workforce

 Veteran Access

 Healthcare Expenditures

 Insurance Coverage

 Access to Healthcare

 Preventive Services

 Pediatric and Adult Immunizations

 Preventable Hospitalizations

 Healthcare-Associated Infections

Socioeconomic Factors

 Adults and Children in Poverty

 Educational Attainment

 Jobless Rate

 2003 edition of the Critical Health Indicators report: [PDF file]
2007 edition of the Critical Health Indicators report: [PDF file] 
2009 edition of the Critical Health Indicators report: [PDF file]
2010 edition of the Critical Health Indicators report: [PDF file]

For more information regarding this report, please contact:

Michigan Department of Community Health 
Planning and Access to Care Section 
Capitol View Building, 7th Floor 
201 Townsend Street 
Lansing, MI  48913 
Phone: (517) 241-2966 

Last updated 4/2012

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