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MDHHS issues Request for Proposals for competitive Nursing Facility Enrichment Program

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Long Term Care Operations Section has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for quality-of-life enrichment projects for residents of nursing homes. 


The purpose of the Nursing Facility Enrichment Program is to fund projects and activities that will support, protect and benefit nursing facility residents. All proposals must include enhancements to nursing facility services and go beyond the services already required to be provided by a nursing facility.


Eligible applicants include hospitals and health care organizations, academic institutions, nursing facilities, nonprofit organizations, private businesses, Native American Tribal organizations and other organizations able to plan, implement and evaluate projects, programs and system improvements designed to protect or improve quality of life and care for residents of nursing facilities. 


The grant period is from Oct. 1, 2024, to Sept. 30, 2025. The total amount available is $5 million. Eligible project categories include: 

  • Resident or family councils ($5,000 per nursing facility, one-time funding).
  • Consumer information about nursing home resident rights, nursing facility care processes, etc. ($5,000 per nursing facility, one-time funding).
  • Training to improve quality of care ($5,000 per nursing facility, per year, max of $15,000 for a three-year project).
  • Activities to improve quality of life ($5,000 per nursing facility, per year, per topic, max of $15,000 for a three-year project).


Grant applications for the Nursing Facility Enrichment Competitive Program RFP must be submitted electronically through the EGrAMS program by 3 p.m., Thursday, May 23. 


A pre-application conference will be held to provide information about the grant program and instruction on using the EGrAMS system Friday, April 12, beginning at 10 a.m. It will last approximately 90 minutes and can be accessed at NFEP-2025 Pre-Application Conference Webinar. At the conclusion of the conference, this link can be used to access the recording of this webinar.  


Any questions concerning the content of this RFP must be sent by email at on or before Thursday, April 25. Questions may be discussed verbally at the pre-application conference. MDHHS will compile all relevant questions and answers and post these as well as any other clarifications or revisions to the initial RFP on the EGrAMS website.


For more information or to apply, visit the EGrAMS website and select "About EGrAMS" link in the left panel to access the "Competitive Application Instructions" training manual. The complete RFP can be accessed under the ‘Current Grants’ section under the “Medical Services Administration” link and selecting the “NFEP-2025” grant program.


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