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Trend Report Changes

The Trend Report (MDHHS Pub-64), is a roll-up of data contained in MDHHS Green Books. Because the Green Book began reporting from a new source in October 2008 -- the Michigan Data Warehouse -- the Trend Report started over in October 2008. Like the new Green Book report, the PDF makes use of tabs and bookmarks so you can review more information. In addition, the report now contains more extensive information on programs than before, including Medicaid and State Emergency Relief.

Throughout fiscal year 2009, as the Department of Health and Human Services rolls out its Bridges case management system, there may be variances in certain data from month to month that reflects the way cases are tabulated under Bridges. For this reason, the most accurate determination of case and program usage from month to month will be to compare the number of persons being served.

In addition to the Trend Report, detailed Trend Report information is now available by county. This information can be accessed via the links below, for each table, directly below the current month's Trend Report summary on this page.