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Program Improvement Plan (PIP) & Child and Family Services Review (CFSR)
  • The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) determines whether each state is in substantial conformity with federal requirements. The ACF measures compliance by conducting Federal Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSR) across the country.
  • The federal Child and Family Service Review (CFSR) process is oriented toward improving outcomes for children and families.
  • The focus of the review is on developing a partnership between the federal and state government to improve child welfare services. The findings from the CFSR highlighted areas where Michigan was successful and those areas where improvements were and are needed in our child welfare system. Michigan's federal review was conducted in September 2002.
  • Michigan's PIP was approved May 24, 2004.
  • All 50 states have been reviewed and all states were required to develop a Program Improvement Plan (PIP).
  • Michigan's PIP addresses those areas of non-compliance with the federal standards in the areas of Safety, Permanency and Child well being. Implementation of the strategies in the PIP is a joint effort between state, federal, and private agency partners.
  • The PIP is an ongoing process designed to improve child welfare services throughout the nation. The PIP will be used as a road map for improving child welfare systems throughout the state of Michigan.
  • Michigan will collaborate with our community partners and other state departments to improve the availability of services to children and families across the state.
  • According to the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997, there are seven outcomes, which need addressing.
  • The seven outcomes are focused on safety, permanence and well being.

    They are as follows:

    1. Children are first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect.
    2. Children are safely maintained in their homes whenever possible and appropriate.

    3. Children have permanency and stability in their living situations.
    4. The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children.

    5. Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children's needs.
    6. Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs.
    7. Children receive adequate services to meet their physical and mental health needs.

  • The Child Welfare Quality Assurance Unit (CWQA) will closely monitor the implementation of the items outlined in Michigan's PIP and oversee the reviews.
  • The Child and Family Service Reviews will serve as means of measuring the PIP's progress.
  • Beginning in August 2004 and ending in August 2006 the following counties were selected for review Genesee, Macomb, Oakland, Saginaw and Wayne because they represent the largest population throughout Michigan.
  • Although these were the selected counties, the expectation is that all counties within the state of Michigan will adhere to the action items outlined in the PIP.
  • The CFSR Outcomes and the best practice components will increase compliance to our overall PIP strategies.
  • Failure to achieve the outcomes articulated in the PIP within the two-year timeframe can result in federal penalties of over $2.5 million dollars in funding.

Michigan's ability to meet the needs of children and families through services must reflect the basic premise of safety permanency and child well-being are the major concerns of child welfare.