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Mortality for People with Diabetes

  Age-Adjusted Deaths Rate* 95% Confidence Interval

Diabetes-related death in the general population

78.1 (76.5-79.8)



95.6 (92.8-98.4)


65.7 (63.8-67.7)


White, non-Hispanic

71.7 (70.0-73.4)

Black, non-Hispanic

112.3 (106.1-118.4)

Other, non-Hispanic

71.2 (59.2-83.3)


97.2 (82.7-111.6)

  Age-Adjusted Deaths Rate* 95% Confidence Interval

Cardiovascular-related death in the diabetes population

144.8 (139.2-150.5)



164.2 (155.4-173.1)


125.3 (118.1-132.5)


White, non-Hispanic

142.0 (135.7-148.3)

Black, non-Hispanic

158.7 (143.3-174.0)

Other, non-Hispanic

-- --


-- --

* Rates are based on age-specific death rates per 100,000 population in specified group. Computed by the direct method, using as the standard population the age distribution of the total population of the United States as projected for the year 2000.
-- Unable to calculate.

Data Source: 2009 Michigan Mortality Data, Division for Vital Records and Health, Bureau of Epidemiology, Michigan Department of Community Health.

Methods and Limitations: The Michigan Mortality Data is based on all deaths that occur to Michigan residents. Diabetes-related deaths were classified using ICD-10 codes E10-E14 for the underlying and contributing causes of death. The denominator for diabetes-related deaths is the resident population of Michigan. Diabetes deaths from cardiovascular disease were classified using ICD-10 codes I00-I09, I11, I13, I20-I51 for the underlying cause and E10-E14 for the contributing cause of death. The denominator for diabetes deaths from cardiovascular disease is the diagnosed diabetes population estimated in Michigan using the estimated prevalence from the Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the intercensal population estimate data from the National Center for Health Statistics. The true diabetes-related mortality rate is underestimated. It has been documented that two-thirds of people with diabetes do not have diabetes listed anywhere on their death certificate. Race and ethnicity reporting on the death certificate continues to be excellent for the white and black populations. It remains poor for the American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN) population but is reasonably good for the Hispanic and Asian or Pacific Islander (API) populations. The method for coding race categories changed in 2009 to conform to the National Center for Health Statistics. This resulted in an increase of cases coded as "unknown" race from 0.2% of the mortality population to 2.3%.

Diabetes Trends: For past trends in diabetes mortality in Michigan, see the Michigan Department of Community Health's Vital Statistics website: