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Prevention Care Practices in Adults with Diabetes

Prevention Care Practices in Adults with Diabetes
  Frequency in 100 95% Confidence Interval

Seen a doctor for diabetes in the past year

89.2 (87.3-90.9)

Ever had diabetes education

57.3 (54.6-59.9)

Self-monitors glucose at least once daily

74.4 (71.9-76.7)

Self-examines feet at least once daily

68.8 (66.1-71.4)

2 A1c tests in the past year

74.8 (72.2-77.3)

Dilated eye exam in the past year

72.1 (69.5-74.4)

Foot exam by a provider in the past year

73.3 (70.8-75.7)

2 A1c, eye and foot by provider in the past year

41.4 (38.8-44.2)

Flu vaccination in the past year


18 – 64 years old

55.3 (51.5-59.0)

65 years and older

75.0 (71.7-78.0)

Pneumococcal vaccination in lifetime


18 – 64 years old

45.6 (41.7-49.5)

65 years and older

74.4 (71.0-77.6)

Cholesterol tested in the past year1

92.0 (89.0-94.2)

Dental exam in the past year2

66.8 (63.2-70.1)

1 Data are from year 2007 only.
2 Data are from year 2008 only.

Data Source: 2006-2008 Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Bureau of Epidemiology, Division of Genomics, Perinatal Health and Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Michigan Department of Community Health.

Methods and Limitations: The Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (MI BRFSS) comprises annual, state-level telephone surveys of the non-institutionalized adult population, 18 years and older. The MI BRFSS provides self-reported information on behavioral risk factors for disease and on preventive health practices with the state. About one-third of people with diabetes do not know they have it, and therefore cannot self-report it. As a result of this, we assume that the MI BRFSS underestimates the true prevalence of diabetes.

Diabetes Indicator: Respondents were considered to have diabetes if they responded "yes" to the question, "Has a doctor ever told you that you have diabetes?" Women who indicated that they only had diabetes during pregnancy were not considered to have diabetes. Where feasible and to improve the precision of the estimates, 3-year averages were used to estimate the prevalence of preventive care practices.

Diabetes Trends: For past trends in diabetes preventive care in Michigan adults, see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Diabetes Data & Trends website: