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Finding Your Way - MDHHS


The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) provides a variety of services to the residents of Michigan. MDHHS offices are located in every county; however, it is highly recommended that people work with MDHHS benefits online.

MI Bridges

MI Bridges is the online site that connects Michigan residents to MDHHS. You are able to apply for benefits, upload verification documents, manage your case, and explore resources from this site.
You can use your computer, tablet or mobile phone to access this site at any time and apply for healthcare coverage, food assistance benefits, cash assistance, child care assistance and utilities assistance through State Emergency Relief (SER) funds.

  • To apply online go to:

    This is the preferred method to apply because you can quickly communicate with a MDHHS worker by receiving their notices and letters. Without an online account, you would have to wait for these messages in the mail. Applying online also automatically gets some processes going. For example, when a customer applies for SER for shutoff assistance, the system automatically sends a notice to DTE to place a hold on the account.

    If you experience any problems with the MI Bridges online assistance application: Call the MI Bridges Help Desk at 844-799-9876.

    If you need help with using MI Bridges online, MI Bridges Navigators are available for one-on-one assistance. Go to “Help” on the website and search for community partners.

    To apply for benefits in-person:

    Find your local MDHHS office at: County Offices ( OR Call General Information: 517-241-3740.

    Hearing impaired callers may contact the Michigan Relay Center at 711 and ask for the number above.

    You will be required to complete an application form. It is recommended that you complete the application before you come to the office. Make sure you take any and all required documents, such as your birth certificate or driver’s license, with you to your appointment.

    Application Form in English

    Application Form in Spanish

    Resources provided by MDHHS include: Cash Assistance, Children’s Special Health Care Services, Food Assistance, Migrant Services, Water Assistance, and more.

    Click for a full list of services

  • After you complete an application your case is assigned to an MDHHS specialist who will conduct a phone interview to clarify any information and assess your eligibility for the programs you requested.

    At this time the specialist may let you know about any other documents you will need to submit. You will be asked to prove much of the information you provided on your application.

    Most proof, or verification, must be "current" and dated within the last 30 days. They may need to contact a third party, such as your landlord or employer, in order to verify your situation. Your signature on your application for assistance gives the specialist permission to do so.

    You will have 10 days to return this required documentation. If you need an extension or are having trouble getting these required documents, contact the specialist to get an extension or explore other options for verification. Otherwise, you risk your application being denied.

    If applying for Cash, Food, Medical & Emergency Assistance have the following available as they apply:

    • Identification
    • Social Security numbers for everyone in the household who is applying Income (current or date it stopped)
    • Application or receipt of unemployment compensation benefits
    • Assets (bank account statements, 401(k) and other investment account balances, investment accounts, trust funds, etc.)
    • Shelter expenses (rent receipt, mortgage payment, property tax bill, homeowner insurance, heat, electric, phone, water, etc.)
    • Child support paid Day care expenses
    • Medical or health insurance card Unpaid Medical bills
    • Shutoff notices for shelter, heat or utilities Immigration status
    • Marriage certificate Divorce decree
    • Paternity acknowledgement
    • Pregnancy, expected date of delivery, and number of children expected

    If applying for Daycare (Child Development & Care Program) have the following available as they apply:

    • Identification
    • Social Security number (not mandatory)
    • Citizenship or Alien status, if you are not a U.S. citizen, for each child needing care
    • Child care provider's name, address, phone number, provider number, or license number
    • Proof of need for child care for each parent/substitute parent (such as proof of employment, high school completion, or Michigan Works! Agency-approved activity)
    • Proof of need for child care for children over age 12 (court order or physician's statement) Income (pay stubs, SSI, check stubs or award letters, etc.)
    • Child support payments received (court order, name and address of child's absent parent)

    MDHHS has to respond with a determination on whether or not you will receive benefits within the following timeline:

    Programs Approval Time Limit
    Expedited Food Assistance Program 7 Days
    State Emergency Relief 10 Days

    Food Assistance Program

    Refugee Assistance Program (Cash Assistance)

    30 Days

    Family Independence Program Adult Medical Program Medical Assistance

    Refugee Assistance Program (Medical Aid) Repatriate Assistance Program

    Child Development and Care

    45 Days
    State Disability Assistance 60 Days
    Medical Assistance (Disability-Related) 90 Days

    Reporting Responsibilities: It is your responsibility to report changes that might affect your eligibility or benefit amount within 10 days of the change. This includes changes to your income, job status, assets, and family and living arrangements. Your specialist will tell you if different reporting rules apply to you.

    Redetermination of Eligibility: After your case is opened, your eligibility will be re-determined from time to time. You will have your redetermination paperwork mailed to your home or sent to your MI Bridges account 30 prior to the due date. You will fill out a redetermination form, provide new verification of information, and be interviewed, if necessary. Some programs do not require an interview. Each program has its own requirements.

    Repayment of Benefits: If you or anyone in your household receives benefits they are not eligible for, all adults in the household are responsible for paying back the extra benefits, even if they no longer live in the home. The benefits must be paid back even if MDHHS makes the error. MDHHS may keep part or all of your benefits to repay the benefits you received in error.

    Where does the money come from? The majority of the funding for MDHHS comes from the federal government in the form of operating grants. Many departments of the federal government and many different laws determine the amount of funding that MDHHS receives. The remainder of the health services funding is provided from general revenues of the state, which mostly comes from taxes.

    What steps do I take if I disagree with an action taken on my case? First, discuss it with your caseworker. If this does not resolve your issue, you may contact your caseworker's supervisor. In some instances, you may also have the right to ask for an administrative hearing. Your caseworker or supervisor can tell you if an administrative hearing is an option. You can find the phone number for your local MDHHS office.

    Is it possible to request a different caseworker? Yes, but only after you have already worked with both your caseworker and your caseworker's supervisor to resolve the problems you are having. If you have done that, and you still want a different caseworker, you may submit a written request to the county director or district office manager for his or her consideration. In your request, include the reason for the request and the steps you have already taken to resolve the problem.

    Listing of County Directors and District Office Managers

    My case is closed but I need additional information, who should I contact? Contact the local office that most recently handled your case.

    If I am not a member of a case how can I get information about a case? Confidentiality laws do not allow MDHHS to release case information to anyone who is not a member of that case. Sometimes, a member of the case can authorize another person to receive case information. The case member (who must be 18 or older) should contact his or her caseworker to find out if this is possible, and if so, how to arrange it. However, you may report information about any case at any time.