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Michigan Cancer Dashboard: Cervical Cancer in Michigan

The Michigan Cancer Epidemiology staff has developed this interactive dashboard to profile information about the cervical cancer burden across Michigan, as well as timely detection of cervical cancers and cervical cancer screening rates. Data are displayed in charts, tables and/or maps and cover the years 2011 through 2021. The data within this dashboard are divided into three main sections:

  • Cervical cancer burden within Michigan (how much cervical cancer is occurring within Michigan, specifically, cervical cancer incidence rate [the rate of newly diagnosed cervical cancers within Michigan] and cervical cancer mortality rate [the rate of deaths within Michigan due to cervical cancer]);
  • Cervical cancer screening rates within Michigan (the percentage of Michigan residents who are receiving risk-appropriate cervical cancer screenings); and
  • Early detection of cervical cancer within Michigan (the stage at which cervical cancers are being diagnosed within Michigan, indicating how advanced cervical cancers are when first diagnosed).

In addition, this dashboard also provides a discussion of the data used for these indicators, as well as general information about cervical cancer and links to additional resources for those who would like to know more about this type of cancer.

For more information about this dashboard, please contact MDHHS Cancer Epidemiologist Lauren Spadafora, PhD, at

Download the accessible Excel (.xlsx) file for this dashboard

  • Cervical Cancer in Michigan, 2011-2021 icon showing this is a Microsoft Excel file
    This file contains year-by-year data tracking cervical cancer burden across Michigan, as well as timely detection of cervical cancers and cervical cancer screening rates for 2011-2021.

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