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Oral Health Epidemiology

Roles and Responsibilities of the Oral Health Epidemiologist

The MDHHS Oral Health Epidemiologist provides support to the MDHHS Bureau of Epidemiology and Population Health and the MDHHS Division of Chronic Disease and Injury Control on all epidemiologic matters concerning oral health. This includes data management, surveillance, epidemiologic study design and planning, statistical analysis, policy and program development, program evaluation, technical expertise, and training.
The epidemiologist plays a key role in developing, coordinating and maintaining the Michigan oral health surveillance system by monitoring oral disease, access to oral health care, special populations that experience higher rates of oral disease, and the capacity of the oral health workforce to provide care to both special populations and the general population.

Fact Sheets and Surveillance Briefs

Data Dashboards

Screenshot of Michigan Oral Health Dashboard: Michigan Medicaid Oral Health Care Rates by County, 2016-2022

Dashboard: Michigan Medicaid Oral Health Care Rates by County, 2016-2023

This dashboard shows geographically where the burden of oral health care use is among Medicaid enrollees living in Michigan. It displays both tables and maps (2016-2023) of each oral health indicator MDHHS monitors.

   ► See this dashboard.

thumbnail image showing Michigan Oral Health Dashboard: MI Mom's Mouth - Perinatal Oral Health Rates by County (2018-2021)

Dashboard: MI Mom's Mouth - Michigan's Perinatal Oral Health Medicaid Utilization, 2018-2021

This dashboard shows the trends in dental utilization during pregnancy for Medicaid enrollees in the state of Michigan. Data are presented by geographic region and race, and include utilization rates from 2018 through 2021.

   ► See this dashboard.



Recent Presentations

Jackson County Senior Smiles Survey: Michigan Oral Health Pilot Project Focused on the Aging. Anderson B, Moore J, Farrell C, Nickles A.

Characteristics of Dental-Related Hospital Admissions in Michigan, 2009-2010. Nickles A, Reeves MJ, Lyon-Callo S, Farrell C.

Assessment of the Prevalence and Predictors of Dental Caries and Loss to Follow-Up: Michigan Department of Community Health Fluoride Varnish Application Program. Akarte N, Korzeniewski S, Vandenbush S, Grigorescu V, Deming S, Joseph LM.

For more information, or to get accessibility assistance reading any of the documents on this page, please contact:

Alaina White-Radcliffe, MPH, Oral Health Epidemiologist
Chronic Disease Epidemiology Section
Lifecourse Epidemiology and Genomics Division
MDHHS Bureau of Epidemiology and Population Health

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