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Inclusive Employment Matters

Michigan has a large, untapped pool of workers who are loyal, hardworking, and highly motivated. They are people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) who have the right to realize their full employment potential through competitive integrated employment at or above minimum wage.

Society benefits when all members can participate and work toward achieving their goals. Inclusive employment for people with I/DD enriches local communities through a diverse workforce that promotes economic growth and fosters innovation.

This webpage includes resources for job providers, individuals, and families. You will also find information related to MiDDC's Employment First Initiative. 

"Doors" Commercial on Employment Video

"Doors" Commercial on Employment

Employment is a large part of a person's identity. It is how many people become independent, build job skills, learn from others and feel valued. Having a job is no different for people with I/DD.

People with I/DD have a lot to offer businesses. They're dependable, committed to their job, and they're hard workers. Customers also prefer to do business with companies that hire workers with disabilities. Watch the "Doors" commercial to learn more about their contribution to the workplace

MiDDC Employment Resources

Logo for Employment First

Employment First Initiative

Employment First is the idea that people with I/DD can earn a fair and prevailing wage alongside individuals without disabilities in fully integrated community work settings.  with proper training, job-matching techniques, assistive technology, and reasonable accommodations.
Learn more about the Employment First Initiative in Michigan.
Employment Resources for Providers Logo

Resources for Providers

Resources are available to assist employment professionals who work with youth and adults with developmental disabilities to build better community-based employment outcomes. Additional tools on this page are available to help employers reach out to people with I/DD and their families.
Learn more about resources available for providers.
Resources for Individuals and Families Logo

Resources for Individuals and Families

Resources are available to assist youth with disabilities in the transition from school to adult employment. Additional resources on this page include tools to help find a job, and Work Incentives Planning to help increase financial independence. 
Learn more about resources available for individuals and families.
The poster is rectangular in shape with a white background. The words, “Advancing Access & Equity, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Celebrating 50 years of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973” are placed to the right of a field of red, gray, teal, blue and yellow arrows. Mixed within the arrows are diverse images of people with disabilities in workplace settings. Along the top in small gray letters are the hashtags “NDEAM” and “RehabAct50” followed by the website address, In the lower right corner is the DOL seal followed by the words “Office of Disability Employment Policy, United States Department of Labor” as well as the Rehabilitation Act 50 logo.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Each October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)!

NDEAM aims to educate employers, employees with disabilities, and families about disability employment and celebrate the many contributions of all workers with disabilities.

Visit to learn more inclusive employment policies and practices for employers, employees and families.