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Employment Success Story: Kelly Bonifas

Employment Success Story: Kelly Bonifas

Where do you work, and how long have you worked there?

"I work at Services To Enhance Potential, and I have been working there for 14 years."


What parts of your job do you enjoy the most?

"My favorite part of my job is interacting with my co-workers."


Can you share a moment when you felt proud of your contributions at work?

"I feel proud of my contributions at work when I get to train my co-workers."


Can you describe how your employment has improved your life outside of work?

"My employment experience has helped me get along with others."


What advice would you give to people with disabilities looking for a job in their community?

"My advice would be to make sure you are looking for a job that you have the skills to do. If you want to learn a skill, seek out tools and resources to help you learn a new skill."


What advice would you give to employers wanting to hire people with disabilities?

"My advice to employers would be to try to understand the needs of your employees with disabilities."