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Employment Success Story: Chaley Wall

Employment Success Story: Chaley Wall

Where do you work, and how long have you worked there?

"I work at Pizza Ranch. I have worked at Pizza Ranch for 4+ months."


What parts of your job do you enjoy the most?

"I enjoy meeting people while I bus tables."


Can you share a moment when you felt proud of your contributions at work?

"I feel proud when I get good tips because I know I am doing well. In one day, I made $100.00 in tips."


Can you describe how your employment has improved your life outside of work?

"I purchased a new bed frame and am currently redoing my bedroom. I have become less shy by working in customer service."


What advice would you give to people with disabilities looking for a job in their community?

"My advice is to always try your hardest."


What advice would you give to employers wanting to hire people with disabilities?

"Give people with disabilities a chance because they could be a good fit for your business."