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Capacity Building Center

woman on video call

Capacity Building Center

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has developed and implemented a Capacity Building Center (CBC). The Capacity Building Center is a new centralized training resource designed to expand trainings, supports, and resources for Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan (PIHP), Community Mental Health Services Program (CMHSP), and Michigan Children’s Services Agency (CSA) staff in a variety of areas related to the behavioral health needs of children, youth, young adults and their families. In the future, training may also be expanded to other child-serving systems. All trainings and materials will be aligned with MDHHS Family-Driven Youth-Guided Policy and Practice Guidelines.

The CBC offers live in person trainings, live-virtual trainings, & on-demand trainings (learning you can access anytime, any place, anywhere, any pace).

The CBC is an online resource for behavioral health network provider staff to acquire information, resources, and trainings related to Children’s Behavioral Health Services. It will provide staff with centralized evidence-based and evidence-informed behavioral health trainings on specific topics. Trainings will be accessible through multiple settings and specific to children, youth, young adults, and their families. 

The CBC will provide trainings hosted by in-house MDHHS professional staff and contracted state and national content experts and provide materials that are aligned, equitable, and easily accessible statewide with multiple opportunities for learning. Options for learning include live in-person, virtual, and on-demand sessions (content accessible online at any time once it is made available).

Virtual Meeting

Initial Planned Trainings for the CBC include:

  • Intensive Care Coordination with Wraparound (ICCW)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) evaluation and treatment  
  • Michigan Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (MichiCANS) training and coaching  
  • Intensive Crisis Stabilization Services (ICCS) for children (including coaching & certification)
  • Waivers training for the Serious Emotional Disturbances Waiver (SEDW) and Children’s Waiver Program (CWP)
  • Support for select Communities of Practice 
Laptop and tablet

Through the CBC Website users will be able to:

  • Access the CBC Training Calendar for all events and trainings
  • Manage registration for all trainings hosted on the CBC
  • Mange required certifications and Continuing Education credit hours obtained via trainings taken from the CBC
  • Maintain a record of trainings taken via the CBC that count toward the Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Services hours (24 clock hours annually of formalized professional development and training).
  • Provide participants with annual assessment, certification renewal & notification, and training/course registry for all sessions completed/credited via the CBC

The CBC wishes to support the implementation of new services and assessments; support the professionals and organizations who serve Michigan’s children, youth, and families; and partner in enhancing behavioral health services statewide through comprehensive training and resources.

For additional information on the CBC you can go to:

CBC Website - Coming Soon - Spring 2025
Please direct questions regarding the CBC to