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Psychiatric Hospital Notice of Death Reporting and Investigation

Changes to Sections 330.1720 and 330.1721 became effective March 24, 2021. These changes require psychiatric hospitals and units to report all deaths that occur on the unit or within 48 hours of discharge. This report shall be made using the MDHHS-5949 "Report of Patient Death" form and emailed to or faxed to 248-348-9963. Based upon these reports, MDHHS must provide an annual statistical report to the members of the house and senate standing committees and appropriations subcommittees with legislative oversight of mental health issues, summarizing all deaths and the causes of deaths, if known.

Additionally, MDHHS must investigate all deaths reported that are the result of a suicide or where the cause of death is reported as unknown.  All reports of investigative findings will be submitted to LARA-BHCS for review and if the findings of the investigation determine that a violation of applicable state law or administrative rule has occurred, potential contract action may be taken.

Link to sec 330.1720

Link to sec 330.1721

Link to LARA-BHCS website

Download MDHHS-5949 "Notification of Patient Death"

MDHHS Statistical Report of Deaths and Investigations in Psychiatric Hospitals and Psychiatric Units for Fiscal Year 2023