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Michigan's Sports Concussion Laws

Public Act 137 of 2017

Section 333.9155.amended

  • Requires MDHHS to periodically review its concussion awareness training program and materials and make recommendations regarding the frequency of training
  • Lists components of a concussion awareness training program
  • Provides definitions; “youth athlete” excludes an individual who is 17 years of age and is enrolled solely in an institution of higher education.

Section 333.9156.amended

  • Requires organizing entities (schools, parks and recreation departments, and others), before a youth athlete participated in an athletic activity, to ensure that each person required to participate in the training program completed it at least once every three years.
  • Requires organizing entities to provide educational materials on sports concussions to parents/guardians and youth athletes, and obtain signatures acknowledging receipt
  • Requires the immediate removal of a youth athlete from physical participation if a concussion is suspected
  • Requires that a youth athlete suspected of a concussion may not return to physical activity until he/she receives written clearance from an appropriate health professional