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Human Trafficking Response Protocol Toolkit

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Human Trafficking Response Protocol: A Toolkit for Hospitals

The Human Trafficking Response Protocol: A Toolkit for Hospitals was developed based on a mid-Michigan hospital system’s experiences using evidence-based strategies to develop an effective human trafficking identification, assessment, and response protocol. It offers guidance for hospitals so they may adapt these tools to implement their own human trafficking protocols customized to their unique resources and communities.

This toolkit highlights:

  • Key elements to consider as you develop a protocol.
  • Challenges you might face along the way.
  • Lessons learned from one hospital system’s experiences developing an HT protocol.
  • Tools that can be adapted to your hospital and community.
View the Human Trafficking Response Protocol toolkit

Video: Implementing the Human Trafficking Response Protocol toolkit

Learn more about the Human Trafficking Response Protocol toolkit that was developed based on a mid-Michigan hospital system’s experiences using evidence-based strategies to develop an effective human trafficking identification, assessment, and response protocol.

Watch video on YouTube
Video: Implementing the Human Trafficking Response Protocol toolkit Video