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Michigan Health Alert Network (MIHAN)

The Michigan Health Alert Network (MIHAN) is a secure web-based notification system created by the State of Michigan to alert key personnel of conditions that could adversely impact the health and safety of Michigan's citizens. The system also provides situational awareness about important but non-emergency health-related information.

Who Participates in the MIHAN?

MIHAN participants include key points of contact from the State of Michigan, local public health, hospitals, EMS agencies, Federally Qualified and Rural Health Clinics, Long Term Care facilities, and emergency management. Currently there are approximately 4000 MIHAN participants.

How do I sign-up to receive MIHAN alerts? 

Contact a MIHAN Administrator (listed below) to determine if you are eligible for a MIHAN account. If eligible, go to the MIHAN website at and click on the "Register Now" link at the bottom of the page. Once your account has been reviewed and approved, you will begin receiving alerts.

Registering for an account involves:

  • Entering your user name, password and secret question
  • Agreeing to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
  • Entering in your work information, organization, and title
  • Adding direct points of contact you would like to be alerted.
  • Selecting your role and organization

MIHAN Alerts 

Alerts are sent based on the roles, organizations, and geographic locations assigned to each user. Alerts will be sent according to the methods of contact you included in your profile and may include phone, fax, text messages and pagers. The person sending the alerts determines whether it goes out as an email, phone call or text message. The majority of MIHAN alerts will be sent to your email address.

MIHAN Contact Person

Denise Fleming
MIHAN System Analyst