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Account Management

  • Once you have created your account on MI Bridges, you will use the Login link to login to MORS. Enter the username and password you created during your registration. If you forgot your login information, click the Forgot Username or Forgot Password link.

    Log In screenshot

    Log In screenshot 2

  • To logout of the Online Reporting System, simply click the Logout link in the top right corner of the screen.

    Log Out screenshot

  • Once you have logged in, you will be presented with your Mandated Reporter Dashboard. Complaints In-progress will be displayed on the left side. In this section, you may create a new complaint, continue working on, or delete an in-progress complaint. Complaints not completed within 72 hours will be deleted. Complaints already submitted will display under Complaint History on the right side. In this section, you can view the MiSACWIS ID or a PDF copy of complaints you already submitted. Submitted complaints will be visible on your dashboard for six months.

    Mandated Reporter Dashboard screenshot

  • To make changes to your profile, first, click Settings at the top left corner. Second, click Profile. Third, click Edit on the right-hand side of your profile. Once you have made the appropriate changes, click Save and Update. To go back to the dashboard, click Home at the top left corner.

    You can also update your profile within a complaint by changing information in the Reporting Source section. See the Reporting Source section of this user guide for details about how to update your profile from within the complaint.

    Update Your Profile screenshot 1Update Your Profile screenshot 2Update Your Profile screenshot 3

  • Your password can be changed from the Login page. Click the Forgot Password? link. You will be asked to provide your Username and answer a verification question. Then, select a Password Recovery Option and follow the remaining steps to reset your password.

    Change Password screenshot 1Change Password screenshot 2Change Password screenshot 3