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Policy, Forms and Publications

Translated Forms and Letters

To see forms and letters translated into Arabic and Spanish, click the links below. If you need help and information in another language, call 866-540-0008 to talk to an interpreter at no cost.


child support infographic

Infographic showing the four organizations that make up Michigan's Child Support Program. (11"x8.5")

Meet Your Child Support Team
child support info for parents

Two-page Infographic giving an overview Michigan's Child Support Program for child support payers and recipients. (11"x8.5")

A Quick Look at Child Support for Parents
child support handbook

24-page booklet in English which provides a full overview of the child support program. (8.5"x5.5")

Understanding Child Support - A Handbook for Parents
Child Support Handbook cover Spanish

24-page booklet in Spanish which provides a full overview of the child support program. (8.5"x5.5")

Entendiendo la Manutención para Niños - Una Guía para Padres
Child support handbook cover Arabic

24-page booklet in Arabic which provides a full overview of the child support program. (8.5"x5.5")

Understanding Child Support - A Handbook for Parents (Arabic)
cover of paternity booklet

Seven-page booklet provides a full description of the importance of establishing paternity. (8.5" x 5.5")

What Every Parent Should Know About Establishing Paternity
spanish paternity thumbnail

Proporciona una descripción completa de la importancia de la paternidad. (8.5" x 5.5")

Lo Que Cada Padre Debe Saber Sobre Estableciendo la Paternidad
dadvantage booklet cover

Seven-page booklet with questions and answers for new dads about establishing paternity. (8.5" x 5.5")

Fatherhood: Give Your Child the Dadvantage
DNA brochure cover

Trifold brochure with questions and answers about DNA Paternity Testing. (8.5" x 4")

DNA Paternity Testing brochure
DNA testing brochure spanish

Preguntas y respuestas sobre pruebas de paternidad de ADN. (8.5" x 4")

Prueba de Paternidad de DNA
dadvantage poster

Full-color Dadvantage poster (11"x17")

Give Your Child the DADvantage Poster
Takeaway card cover

Two-sided takeaway card for tabletop display. (9"x4")

Dadvantage Takeaway Card