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Hereditary Cancer

Program Highlights

Michigan's Hereditary Cancer Hotline (1-866-852-1247) 
A resource for patients and providers who have questions about hereditary cancer conditions such as HBOC and Lynch syndrome. Call 1-866-852-1247 to speak with our genetic counselor, or email us at Hours of Operation: Due to COVID-19, staff is working away from office. Please leave a message at the number above and a genetic counselor will call you back.

Guide to Hereditary Cancer Indications for Referral 
This easy-to-use tool was developed to help clinicians identify patients who would benefit from risk evaluation, genetic counseling and possible genetic testing for hereditary cancer syndromes.

FREE CME/CNE module: "Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: Are Your Patients at Risk?" 
Developed in partnership with the Jackson Laboratory, this course focuses on developing skills and knowledge to identify  patients who are most appropriate for genetic testing, choose the right test, counsel patients and use the results to develop a management plan.

Informed Consent: What Do I Need to Know Before Genetic Testing? (video)
A short introduction to the process of informed consent and what patients need to know before agreeing to undergo genetic testing.

Informed Consent: Is Genetic Testing Right for Me? (comics)

An illustrated resource for use by providers and patients to talk about informed consent for genetic testing.

Additional Resources

Order cancer genomics resources and receive them through the mail for free. 

Last updated: 6/23/22