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Tips for a Successful Vaccination Appointment

Resources to help make vaccination more comfortable for people of all ages

When the time comes for your child to get his or her vaccines, here are some useful tips about what to expect and how you can prepare.

Addressing Vaccination Anxiety in Adolescents and Adults Strategies for Healthcare Professionals (
Addressing vaccination anxiety in adolescent and adult strategies for vaccine recipients and caregivers.

Addressing Vaccination Anxiety for Infants and Toddlers Strategies for Healthcare Professionals (
Addressing vaccination anxiety for infants and toddler's strategies for parents and caregivers.

Tips and tricks to mitigate the fear of needles and vaccines. 

Video: 5 Things You Can Do for a Successful Vaccination Appointment (Autism Alliance of Michigan)
Short videos for patients and healthcare providers to help people on the autism spectrum have a positive vaccination experience.

Vax Learn More (University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities)
Resources for making vaccination easier for persons with disabilities including social stories and fact sheets on vaccination. (English and Spanish)

Be There for your Child During Shots (California Dept. of Public Health)
Be there for your Child During Shots. Easy to read handout in English and Spanish.