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Healthy smiles can help your children shine more brightly


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Healthy smiles can help your children shine more brightly

Helping your children maintain happy, healthy mouths is smart. That's why going to the dentist is such a powerful thing. In fact, good oral health may improve your children's school attendance, grades, self-confidence and help them succeed. And with Healthy Kids Dental (HKD), your children have access to one of the largest networks of dentists in Michigan—at no cost to you. So use it.

Did you know?

  • Children with healthy teeth feel better about themselves and make friends more easily.1
  • A healthy mouth and teeth are the best way to prevent bad breath.2
  • Children with healthy mouths may be absent less and do better in school.3

Make the wise choice, and help your children shine—all at no cost to you. Choose a Healthy Kids Dental dentist in your area. Then, make an appointment every six months or as recommended by your dentist, even if your children's teeth don't hurt.


1 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, "Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General—Executive Summary," web.

2 Mayo Clinic, "Bad Breath: Symptoms and Causes," web.

3 Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, "Poor Oral Health Can Mean Missed School," web.