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Prior Authorization

There may be occasions when a beneficiary requires services beyond those ordinarily covered by Medicaid or needs a service that requires prior authorization (PA). For Medicaid to reimburse the provider in this situation, MDHHS requires that the provider obtain authorization for these services before the service is rendered.

The PA tab allows Fee for Service providers to submit single PA requests through the online web portal. CHAMPS validates both beneficiary and provider information. An error message is returned to the user if the information is incorrect. Any provider may request PA, however, the provider NPI entered in the servicing provider field must represent the provider who will be rendering the service. Once the PA request is successfully entered, the provider receives a tracking number. If the request is approved by MDHHS, this tracking number becomes the prior authorization number to use for billing purposes.

One of the following profiles is needed to access the PA tab: CHAMPS Full Access, CHAMPS Limited Access, Prior Authorization Access

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102 Resources

  • Prior Authorization Submission- Video
  • Prior Authorization Inquiry- Video

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