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Point of Sale Equipment and Systems

In order to accept WIC benefits as a form of payment, WIC Vendors must use a point of sale system that is capable of connecting with the State of Michigan's EBT Contractor FIS/CDP.


Integrated Point of Sale Systems 

The Michigan WIC Program maintains a list of  point of sale system providers that allow you to accept multiple forms of payment "integrated" with one machine, including WIC, SNAP, cash assistance, credit, debit, etc. If you are interested in using one of these systems, contact a provider in the list below:

List of Integrated POS Providers


PLU Mapping Resources

PLU mapping is the process of linking UPCs and store-specific fresh produce PLUs to WIC-eligible PLUs. PLU mapping is a necessary step to redeem fresh produce without error.

Failure to map PLUs means a WIC client cannot buy the item at your store. To assist with PLU mapping, the Michigan WIC Program publishes a list of WIC-eligible PLUs as well as general PLU mapping guidelines. 

Furthermore, Michigan WIC is inviting stores and POS providers to assist in the creation of step-by-step guides for PLU mapping using various systems. If you have any questions or wish to see your system added here, please contact our office.

General PLU Mapping Resources

List of WIC-eligible PLUs

Introduction to PLU Mapping

NCR Encor

NCR Encor Step-by-Step PLU mapping guide

NCR Encor Step-by-Step PLU Mapping YouTube tutorial (provided by BMC)


NCR ISS45 Step-by-Step PLU mapping guide


Stand-Beside Point of Sale Device

Michigan's EBT Contractor FIS/CDP also provides a point of sale device that "stands beside" another point of sale system. These devices may only accept EBT payments, including WIC, SNAP, and/or cash assistance, depending on the device you request. If you are interested in leasing a stand-beside device, you may follow the instructions below for submitting a merchant agreement to FIS.

Instructions for FIS/CDP Merchant Agreement

Merchant Agreement for FIS/CDP Stand-Beside POS Devices


Resources for FIS/CDP Stand-Beside Point of Sale Device

Frequently Asked Questions

Point of Sale Procedures Manual

Quick Reference Guide

Downloading the Approved Products List

Full Download Instructions to Reset Device

Uploading Prices to Stand-Beside Devices


 WIC Division, Vendor Relations Contact Information