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Learn More About Becoming a Counseling Contractor

Becoming a counseling contractor for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) involves the submission of an application and supporting documents to the applicable MDHHS Business Service Center (BSC). MDHHS local offices often use private contractors to deliver counseling services to eligible clients. A referral cannot be made to a counselor unless the counselor has a fully executed contract with MDHHS.

Various criteria, such as licensing, clearances and local MDHHS need, must be met before a counselor will be approved for a contract. BSC's must receive approval from one or more MDHHS county offices that they have a need for additional service providers and are interested in having a new contract developed. Please contact the contract liaison in the local MDHHS county offices you are interested in serving to get prior authorization to become a contracted counselor.

The contract is simply an authorization to the local MDHHS county office to refer a client to the contractor for psychological counseling and authorization to the contractor to bill MDHHS for services delivered. The contract does not guarantee that a referral will ever be made to a counselor.

A contractor may offer services in one or more counseling categories. Contractors may not provide services under multiple contracts. See the Description of Services for more information.

The application and associated documents may only be submitted to the applicable BSC mailbox located on the application map. No hard copies will be accepted.

All applicants for counseling (COUN) contracts (whether as a contractor or subcontractor) are required to obtain the clearance noted below prior to contract approval or being added to a contract: 

  1. A Children’s Protective Services confirmed case background check. A clearance shall be completed prior to the hiring of an individual to provide services within this contract. Prior to hire, the Contractor shall submit a request to clear any new employee, subcontractor, subcontractor employee utilizing the CWL-4624 form. This form must be submitted to The results of the clearance will be returned to the Contractor.

    NOTE: All additional clearances and background checks will be completed by the BSC.

Along with the completed application, the following items must be received for any individual providing services under the contract before the contract can be processed: 

  1. A copy of each person's master's level State of Michigan license to provide counseling or psychotherapy.

    NOTE: If providing substance abuse counseling, a current copy of each person's certification through the Michigan Certification Board of Additional Professionals (MCBAP) is required.

  2. A copy of the social security card for each therapist providing services. Proof of federal ID# must be provided for organizations.
  3. A copy of the driver's license for each therapist providing services.

    NOTE: Please provide any previous names and race of each therapist providing services. This information will be utilized only for additional background checks.

  4. A copy of the completed Children's Protective Services History Review Request form (CWL-4624).