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Contact Other Regulatory Agencies

Certificate of Need review and approval is not to be construed as approval for any other state or federal regulatory review and/or approval. Below is a list of other State regulatory bodies that you may need to contact prior to initiation of the proposed project.


Contact Number

MDLARA Community and Health Systems
Projects involving a new license or change to an existing license for a hospital, psychiatric hospital or unit, FSOF, ASC, and Nursing Homes.


MDLARA Health Facilities Engineering Section
Projects involving construction or renovation for a new or existing hospital, psychiatric hospital, nursing home, FSOF, ASC.


MDLEO Radiation Safety Section
Projects involving a CT scanner, MRT unit, PET/CT scanner, Cardiac Cath Lab, or Lithotripsy unit.


MDLARA Bureau of Fire Services
Projects involving construction or renovation for a new or existing hospital, psychiatric hospital, nursing home, FSOF, ASC.


MDEGLE Hazardous Waste Section
Projects involving a Gamma Knife or PET scanner.
