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Biomonitoring Testing

Trace Metals testing

Information on Biomonitoring Testing

The Division of Laboratory Sciences at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) coordinates the National Biomonitoring Program (NBP) which offers an assessment of nutritional status and the exposure of the U.S. population to environmental chemicals and toxic substances.  Worldwide, biomonitoring is recognized as a standard for assessing people's exposure to toxic substances and for responding to serious environmental public health issues.

The Trace Metals Unit tests for environmental metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, cobalt, thallium, beryllium, barium, and manganese which are all toxic to the body at certain concentrations.  These metals are not essential or normal constituents of the body, but will always be present due to their existence in our environment.  Exposure to such metals occurs through inhalation, ingestion, or absorption which leads to accumulation of these metals in the body. 


The Trace Metals Unit performs metal analysis on urine, blood, and tissue specimens using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).   Once the specimens have been assessed and accessioned, they are digested or treated with diluent and placed on the ICP-MS for detection and quantification.

Previous Biomonitoring Projects:

  • University of Michigan - Modern Tooth Fairy-COHRA
  • University of Michigan - Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN)
  • Michigan State University - Low Blood Levels Associated with Clinically Diagnosed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Mediated by Weak Cognitive Control
  • University of Texas - Epidemiological Research on Autism in Jamaica-Phase II
  • Low Metals Exposure, Measures of Male Infertility and Genes - analyzed whole blood and urine specimens for lead, cadmium, selenium manganese, chromium, copper, molybdenum and zinc.
  • ATSDR Great Lakes Research Initiative (GLRI) - "Biomonitoring of Persistent Toxic Substances in Michigan Urban Fisheaters; Trace Metals analyzed for lead, manganese, and mercury in whole blood; and arsenic, cadmium, and mercury in urine.
  • University of Michigan - Fetal Lead Exposure, Risks and Intervention Strategies (FLERIS): Fetal Origins of Neurobehavior, Lead and Cholesterol Metabolism Interactions
  • University of Michigan - Lead and Cadmium Exposure in Mice
  • University of Michigan - Health Effects of Cadmium Exposure in Thailand
  • University of Michigan - Prenatal Lead Exposure, Early Child Growth and Sexual Maturation

Specimen Collection Instructions, Forms and Rejection Criteria:

Contact the laboratory for more information.

Contact Us:

Comments or questions regarding test results, methods or capabilities contact the Trace Metals Unit
Kelley Freed, Trace Metals Unit Manager
Phone: 517-335-8357 


Keri Fisher, Analytical Chemistry Section Manager
Phone: 517-335-8344 

Related Information:

CDC's National Biomonitoring Program

National Biomonitoring Program's Environmental Chemicals

MDHHS Analytical Chemistry Section

MDHHS Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of Human Research Subjects - Abbreviated Version - DCH 1277A