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Nursing Facility Quality Measure Initiative

The nursing facility Quality Measure Initiative (QMI) provides payments to facilities based on their average quality measure domain rating on the Nursing Home Compare (NHC) website. Facilities with an average star rating below 2.5 are required to file a corrective action plan with the Long Term Care Operations Section to be eligible for payment.

This webpage provides resources for facilities to understand how QMI payments are calculated and how to comply with policy requirements. Any questions about QMI payments can be emailed to


Corrective Action Plan Forms and Resources

QMI Action Plan Instructions

QMI Action Plan Form

QMI Action Plan Optional Status Report

NHC QMI State Average Percentages


Resident Satisfaction Survey Requirements

L 24-22

Nursing Facility QMI Resident Satisfaction Survey Data Submission Checklist


Additional Resources

MSA 18-25

MSA 17-28