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Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Hub Pilots

SDOH Hub pilots bring community members, health care professionals, social service providers, government partners, and business leaders together to address the social determinants of health and improve health equity. Over time, SDOH Hubs aim to achieve the overarching goal of Michigan's Roadmap to Healthy Communities:

Improve the health and social outcomes of all Michigan residents while working to achieve health equity by eliminating disparities and barriers to social and economic opportunity.

Beginning in January 2024, communities across Michigan will pilot SDOH Hubs. SDOH Hub pilot projects will look different in different communities. Local organizations and community members will define exactly how to structure their hubs, what to prioritize, and how to spend their resources. MDHHS and contracted partners will provide resources and technical assistance to each SDOH Hub pilot.

Download these slides introducing the SDOH Hub pilot framework in more detail: SDOH Hub Intro Slides Website.pdf

Understanding SDOH Flyer

SDOH Hubs One Pager

Hands in Circle graphic

SDOH Hub Pilot Sites

Cohort 1 - launching January 2024
Cohort 2 - launching April 2024
Cohort 3 - launching May 2024
SDOH Hub Profiles

Interested in Learning More? Explore our Frequently Asked Questions:

  • SDOH Hub pilots bring people together to address the social determinants of health and improve health equity. SDOH Hub pilot projects will include a few core elements and requirements based on what we’ve learned through Michigan's Roadmap to Healthy Communities Phases I and II projects and previous efforts to support multisector coalitions at the state and national levels. We know we aren’t starting from scratch when it comes to addressing social drivers—like housing, education, transportation—that shape our health and well-being. We want to build on these investments.

    The MDHHS Policy and Planning Office is committed to co-designing SDOH Hubs with community members and local organizations. This means that we don’t want to impose a fully formed structure from outside of the community. We know that communities are experts in their own experiences—and we want to support their ideas and priorities.

    Over time, we hope SDOH Hubs become lasting structures that meet needs of the community. Each hub will reflect the unique assets of its community—and all hubs will support transferable skills and best practices to ensure we all have what we need to thrive.

  • Hubs recognize that no one group can solve the complex challenges our communities face alone. We need to work together to share our resources, assets, and strengths. Hubs provide the infrastructure necessary to make it easier to solve problems and exchange ideas—and to know what’s happening in our communities. The core elements and areas of Hubs are designed to build capacities that will be transferable to any topic that communities want to work on together. 
  • Each hub will reflect the needs of the community and incorporate assets already in place, like existing coalitions or established partnerships.

    Hubs are not designed to be rigid but will adapt as the community learns and builds capacity. Hubs are also meant to be a vehicle for sustainability and to support Health in All Policies over time. This means that the pilot projects in 2024 and 2025 will be building blocks for future years and future iterations of the hub.

  • The SDOH Hub pilot projects will work on:

    1. Shared Decision-Making: Hubs will be guided by community members and local organizations—and will pay special attention to the experiences of people most impacted by hub policies or programs. Hubs may develop steering committees, build on established coalitions, or create new governance structures.
    2. Learning and Evaluation: Hubs will strengthen the skills and practices needed to identify, design, implement, and evaluate policies and programs that support thriving people and places. These capacities will be transferable to any focus area or topic hubs decide to prioritize. 
    3. Sustainability: Hubs will leverage funding from multiple sources to address community-identified needs. Hubs will also align with complementary coalitions or networks to reduce duplication and support shared initiatives.
  • SDOH Hub pilots include lead organizations, local or regional networks, and supporting partners:

    • Lead organization: All Hubs will have an organization that is committed to managing the hub. This organization will be responsible for administering funds, communicating with partners, and ensuring that community members guide the work of the hub.
    • Local or Regional Networks: Hubs will strengthen relationships across sectors and engage diverse partners, including community-based organizations. Networks may have a formal relationship with the Hub to deliver services or administer programs. Network organizations may also have more informal ways of collaborating to share information or support aligned initiatives.
    • Supporting Partners: SDOH Hub pilots will also have support from the State of Michigan, including the SDOH Hub Advisory Council, technical assistance providers, and the SDOH Hub Interagency Workgroup. 
  • Funding has been confirmed to support the development and implementation of Community Information Exchange (CIE), community health worker (CHW) initiatives, and Health in All Policies (HiAP) strategies. These strategies will build on Phase II learnings, including the Community Information Exchange Task Force Final ReportCommunity Health Worker Subcommittee Report, and the SDOH Accelerator Plan to Prevent Chronic Disease.
  • In 2024, there will be multiple SDOH Hub pilots. The total number of hubs is dependent on the funding available from MDHHS and other sources. Eventually, we aim to have at least one hub site in every prosperity region of Michigan.
  • During the FY24 pilots, lead organizations will be identified by the Policy and Planning Office. Organizations will be selected based on a combination of factors, including data insights; current capacity and readiness; established partnerships; and previous funding outcomes.
  • Community Health Innovation Regions (CHIRs) have led work in Michigan when it comes to bridging health care and social care, particularly around community-clinical linkages and engagement with health systems. We anticipate SDOH Hub pilot projects in CHIR areas will leverage these existing partnerships and established infrastructure—and that CHIR regions will be essential partners in future iterations of SDOH Hub work. Like CHIRs, SDOH Hub pilot projects will include health care partners, payers, and providers. SDOH Hubs will also engage with other sectors that shape community health and well-being. SDOH Hubs will pay particular attention to community needs and experiences by partnering with community-based organizations and community members.
  • Over time, we hope SDOH Hubs will: 

    • Increase alignment across health and social care
    • Improve access to state resources
    • Reduce health disparities
    • Increase accountability and transparency
    • Increase commitment to community-driven work