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MDCH Reminds Residents Fishing this Weekend to use the Michigan Fish Advisory
September 24, 2010
As we join together to celebrate healthy living outdoors during National Hunting and Fishing Day on Saturday, Sept. 25, the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) would like to remind you that while most sport-caught fish are healthy to eat and low in fat, some have too many chemicals in them to be considered safe to eat by everyone.
However, using the Michigan Fish Advisory can help you choose fish that are lower in chemicals and safer for the whole family to eat. The information is updated and published in the Michigan Fish Advisory, which is available at or by calling Michigan Department of Community Health - Division of Environmental Health at 1-800-648-6942.
Young children and unborn babies are at greatest risk from the mercury, dioxin, and PCBs found in some types of fish. These chemicals have been connected to liver damage, cancer, birth defects, and could harm brain development if eaten in large quantities or over a long period of time. Michigan families with young children and women aged 15-45 who are pregnant or may someday become pregnant need to pay special attention to the Michigan Fish Advisory. It is also important for men and women over 45 who eat fish on a regular basis.
Eating wild game also has many health benefits, but chemical pollution in some areas of Michigan and the lead in lead bullets can affect the safety of eating wild game.
To protect your family, visit to learn more or call the Michigan Department of Community Health - Division of Environmental Health at 1-800-648-6942 for more information.