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Request for Proposal issued for innovative projects to eliminate child lead exposure Second year funding provided for innovative projects that can be replicated


CONTACT: Lynn Sutfin, 517-241-2112

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is pleased to announce the release of a second round of Requests for Proposals in support of Michigan’s Child Lead Exposure Elimination Board (CLEEC) Action Plan.

Up to 11 grants will be issued and fund projects up to $150,000 that demonstrate innovative approaches to the elimination of child lead exposure and have the potential for replication throughout the state. Last year, 11 projects totaling more than $750,000 were funded. These projects are highlighted in the 2018 CLEEC Annual Report.

The CLEEC was established in 2017 to coordinate all efforts for the elimination of child lead exposure statewide, including the implementation of recommendations from the report A Roadmap to Eliminating Child Lead Exposure issued by the Child Lead Poisoning Elimination Board in November 2016. The CLEEC Action Plan prioritized these recommendations.

Proposed projects should support specific recommendations in the CLEEC Action Plan. Organizations that applied for funding for lead exposure elimination projects in FY 2018 but were not successful are welcome to reapply. Projects for lead exposure elimination funded in FY 2018 that propose evaluation, dissemination, improvements and/or expansion are welcome to apply for a second year of funding.

Projects funded in response to this RFP are expected to yield measurable results within one year and should be related to one of the following categories:

  • Projects that demonstrate an innovative approach to the elimination of exposure to lead and have the potential for replication throughout the state.
  • The development of strategies to increase the number of children who are screened by a blood lead test for lead exposure by age 3, and/or to increase the number of children who have a confirmatory venous blood lead test within one month of having an elevated test result based on a capillary test. Projects proposing strategies for achieving universal testing in a jurisdiction or health system will be given priority consideration.

Each proposed project must be limited to one year and the requested amount cannot be for more than $150,000. MDHHS expects to fund between one and three projects up to the $150,000 level and five to eight projects up to the $75,000 level.

Applicants may be local health departments, non-profit organizations, universities, for profit medical practice groups or other entities. Individuals are not eligible to apply. 

Interested applicants must submit their applications by 3 p.m. on Feb. 26, 2019 using the MI E-Grants system. For more information or to apply, visit the MI E-Grants website and select About EGrAMS link in the left panel to access the Competitive Application Instructions training manual. 

The complete RFP can be accessed under the Current Grants section under the Public Health Administration link and selecting the “CLEEI-2019” grant program.

For more information about CLEEC, the Action Plan or 2018 Annual Report, visit

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